Calendar 2013/14


11 Degrees Awarded after Advanced Study
11.1 Candidates for a degree awarded after completion of a programme of advanced study shall be graduates or able to satisfy the Senate by their qualifications or experience of their fitness to enter the programme.
11.2 The programme of study shall include not less than 90 credits of a 180-credit programme in the University or in an institution affiliated to, or associated with, the University (see Ordinances 30 and 31). Exceptionally, this minimum number may be reduced in recognition of credits accumulated from study elsewhere. In every case, the final 60 credits of the programme, including the dissertation or main project, shall be studied in the University or affiliated or associated institution.
11.3 No candidate shall be admitted to the examination without
  (a) having completed the period of study prescribed in the Regulations governing the Degree
  (b) having pursued the curriculum prescribed for that Degree
  (c) having submitted course work as prescribed for that Degree.