Calendar 2013/14


13 The Degrees of Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy by Publication, Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Educational Psychology, Doctor in Clinical Research, Doctor in Clinical Practice, Doctor of Engineering and Engineering Doctorate.
13.1 Candidates for the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy by Publication, Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Doctor of Clinical Research, Doctor of Clinical Practice, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Educational Psychology, Master of Surgery (MS) and Doctor of Medicine (MD), Doctor in Clinical Research, Doctor in Clinical Practice, Doctor of Engineering and Engineering Doctorate shall be graduates who have satisfied the Senate of their fitness to engage in research at an appropriate level and who have passed such further examination as the Senate may prescribe.
13.2 Candidature shall also be open to persons who hold such other qualifications as may from time to time be recognised by the Senate and are able to satisfy the Senate of their fitness to enter on the programme they propose.
13.3 Candidates shall pursue research, together with such directed study as shall be prescribed or provided for in the Regulations, under supervisors appointed by the Senate. Degrees may be awarded to students who have satisfied the examiners in any required study, who have satisfactorily completed their prescribed research, and whose theses embodying the results of the research have been approved by the examiners.
13.4 The Senate shall appoint at least two examiners of whom at least one shall be external to the University.