Calendar 2013/14


17 The Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor
17.1 In accordance with Section 6(1) of the Statutes, the Vice-Chancellor, with the endorsement of Senate, shall recommend to the Council for appointment as Deputy Vice-Chancellors four members of staff from among the past or current members of the Senate taking office as College Deans and the current members of the professoriate. Each Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed for a period of up to five years, renewable for a further period of up to five years, subject to the approval of the Senate and Council.
17.2 One of the Deputy Vice-Chancellors shall be designated by the Vice-Chancellor as the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor.  The Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and the next longest serving Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall, normally, be ex-offico members of the Council of the University.
17.3 In accordance with Section 6(5) of the Statutes, the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor or, in the absence of the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, another Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall be empowered to act for the Vice Chancellor in the absence of the Vice Chancellor or during a vacancy in that office. The Deputy Vice-Chancellors shall assist the Vice-Chancellor in such matters as the Vice-Chancellor may delegate to them.
17.4 In accordance with national guidance on best practice, the Vice-Chancellor shall, following an open and transparent process including internal advertisement and interview, make a nomination to the Senate for each Deputy Vice-Chancellor appointment, normally in the Autumn Term preceding the 1 August commencement date, with a request that Senate recommend the appointment to the Council for confirmation.