Calendar 2013/14


18 Professors and Associate Professors
18.1 New Professorial Chairs and Associate Professors may be appointed on behalf of Senate and Council by an appropriately constituted Appointment Panel.
18.2 Every effort will be made to ensure appropriate gender representation on all appointment panels (including those considering candidates for internal promotion) and all panel members will receive equality and diversity training.
18.3 Professorial Appointment Panels shall be chaired by the Vice-Chancellor or the nominated Deputy Vice-Chancellor and shall include a lay member of Council nominated by the Chair of Council. The College Dean shall be a member of the Panel and the relevant academic disciplines shall be appropriately represented. The Panel shall be assisted by two external advisers, nominated by the Dean. The advisers may be invited to take part in the interviewing of candidates but shall not be members of the Professorial Appointment Panel.
18.4 Appointment Panels for Associate Professors shall be chaired by a Deputy Vice-Chancellor and shall include the College Dean, an Associate Dean and up to three representatives of the academic discipline.
18.5 The decisions of Appointment Panels shall be reported to Senate and Council at the earliest opportunity.
18.6 Existing members of academic staff whose outstanding distinction is recognised by the international academic community may be awarded the title of Personal Chair.
18.7 The title of Personal Chair may be conferred on behalf of Senate and Council by the Vice-Chancellor.  Candidates for a Personal Chair must be able to demonstrate that they satisfy the promotion criteria agreed by Senate and Council. Applications shall be given initial consideration by an Academic Promotion Panel consisting of a Deputy Vice-Chancellor as Chair, the Dean of the relevant College and three other senior academics who will either be an Associate Dean, a Head of Discipline or an Academic Lead. If a prima facia case for promotion is established then the opinions of external assessors  shall  be  obtained. The assessors’ reports, together with the views of the Panel, will be considered by the Vice Chancellor whose decision will be reported to Senate and Council at the earliest opportunity.
18.8 The title of Associate Professor may be conferred on behalf of Senate and Council by the Vic-Chancellor on those existing members of the academic staff who are able to demonstrate that they meet the promotion criteria agreed by Senate and Council.
18.9 The procedure for promotion to Associate Professor shall follow that laid down for Personal Chairs.