Calendar 2013/14


23 The Faculties
23.1 There shall be two Faculties: the Faculty of Taught Programmes and the Faculty of Graduate Research, for each of which there shall be a Board with powers as set out in Ordinance 26.
23.2 The Deans of the Faculties shall be appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate from among the current members of the Professoriate and the past and current College Deans (or Heads of Schools prior to 2010/11). In accordance with national guidance on best practice, the Vice-Chancellor shall, following an open and transparent process including internal advertisement and interview, make a nomination to Senate for onward transmission to Council.
23.2.1 Deans shall be appointed for a period of three years.
23.2.2 Deans are eligible for re-appointment.
23.2.3 If the Office of Dean should fall empty before the expiry of the agreed period of tenure, a locum appointment may be made by the Chair of Council and Vice Chancellor until the procedures referred to in paragraph 23.2 can be operated.
23.3 The Board of the Faculty of Taught Programmes shall consist of:
  (a) the Dean of the Faculty
  (b) the Associate Dean of Education from each College
  (c) two members of each College, nominated by its Dean to the final meeting of the Board in each academic year
  (d) Students' Guild Vice President
  (e) one student representative of undergraduate students and one student representative of postgraduate taught students
  (f) co-opted members, nominated by the Board at its final meeting in each academic year, such that the total membership of the Board shall not exceed twenty-four.
23.4 The Board of the Faculty of Graduate Research shall consist of:
  (a) the Dean of the Faculty
  (b) the Associate Dean of Research and Knowledge Transfer from each College
  (c) two members of each College, nominated by its Dean to the final meeting of the Board in each academic year
  (d) two full-time students elected by the full-time students of the University, the election being conducted by the Students' Guild
  (e) co-opted members, nominated by the Board at its final meeting in each academic year, such that the total membership of the Board shall not exceed twenty-four.
23.5 The Board of the Faculty of Taught Programmes shall exercise its powers as defined in Ordinance 26 in respect of all taught programmes of study leading to undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, diplomas, certificates and other awards delivered by a College or other academic unit of the University.
23.6 The Board of the Faculty of Graduate Research shall exercise its powers as defined in Ordinance 26 in respect of all programmes of research delivered by a College or other academic unit of the University, and in respect of Higher Doctorates.