Calendar 2013/14


37 Affiliation of Institutions
37.1 In accordance with Section 16 (16) of the Statutes, Colleges, Research Institutions and other Institutions of Higher Education may be affiliated to the University.
37.2 The purpose of such affiliation shall be to provide a firm basis for continuing co-operation in teaching and/or research, and may involve the recognition of programmes of study in the College or Institution as leading to specified awards of the University and of periods of study in the College or Institution as equivalent to periods of study required by ordinance or regulation for awards of the University.
37.3 Such College or Institution may be granted the designation "affiliated to the University of Exeter" by resolution of the Council on the recommendation of the Senate.
37.4 Affiliation shall be academic in nature, and the granting of such designation shall not incur any legal or financial liability by the University in respect of the College or Institution.
37.5 Before recommending the admission of a College or Institution to affiliated status, the Senate shall satisfy itself:
  (a) that its academic standing in both teaching and research is of an appropriate level
  (b) that its staff are appropriately qualified and experienced
  (c) that its other academic resources and facilities are adequate
  (d) that it is established on a permanent basis
  (e) that its physical plant and financial position are sound
  (f) that programmes of study offered by the College or Institution are, wherever appropriate, subject to University validation, or otherwise fully satisfy normal University requirements
  (g) that appropriate mechanisms are in place to ensure that conditions (a)-(f) continue to be met
  (h) that the constitutional structure and organisation of the College or Institution are satisfactory and provide adequately for the representation by the University and by the educational and research staff of the College or Institution on appropriate bodies in that College or Institution concerned with the planning and supervision of programmes of study, the conduct of research, and the appointment and promotion of members of academic staff.
37.6 For each affiliation there shall be a formal agreement between the University and the College or Institution specifying the purposes of the affiliation and the conditions attaching thereto.
37.7 The purposes as stipulated in the agreement may be varied at any time by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate with the concurrence of the College or Institution concerned.
37.8 On recommendation of the Senate, the Council may at any time impose further conditions, withdraw the recognition of any activity, or terminate the affiliation, provided that the academic interests of students on course and registered for awards of the University are not thereby adversely affected.
37.9 The Governing Body of the College or Institution may on one year's notice terminate the affiliation, provided that the academic interests of students on course and registered for awards of the University are not thereby adversely affected.
37.10 Each affiliation agreement shall be reviewed by the University in consultation with the affiliated College or Institution every five years.