Calendar 2013/14


15 Post Obitum Awards
15.1 In the event of a candidate's decease the Senate may award, and/or cause to be conferred, a degree, diploma or certificate post obitum, provided that:
15.1.1 for research degrees, the thesis or dissertation has been submitted and a favourable report received from the Board of Examiners.
15.1.2 for degrees awarded after advanced study, the coursework and any required examinations have been completed, any required dissertation or project submitted, and a favourable report received from the Board of Examiners.
15.1.3 for first degrees in instances where the candidate has died before completion of the required examinations, the Board of Examiners has consequently considered the candidate's academic record including coursework and performance in previous examinations in the University and is satisfied
  (a) that the required programme of study leading to the examination had been completed, and
  (b) that had the student not been prevented from taking the examination the student would have passed.
15.1.4 for first degrees in instances where the candidate has completed the examination, a favourable report has been received from the Board of Examiners.