Calendar 2013/14

B Regulations applicable to University Residences

1 Eligibility for Residence
1.1 Only students pursuing, intending to pursue or who register as a student on a course of study at the University of Exeter; and staff assisting in the management of the accommodation or in need of temporary accommodation, shall be eligible to live in University owned or managed accommodation.
1.2 No-one shall occupy a room unless they have paid the deposit, accepted the accommodation agreement and entered into a tenancy for that room, and (except for designated family accommodation) only that person may live there. No person under the age of 18 may live in University residences without the express consent of the Assistant Director (Residences), Campus Services unless it is designated family accommodation and they are living with an adult who is responsible for them.
1.3 Residents required to leave University accommodation because of their behaviour or who are in debt to the University are not subsequently eligible to apply.
1.4 There is no requirement for students to live in University accommodation, but their chosen accommodation should be in such a location as will enable attendance at their programme of study.
2 Health and Safety
2.1 Fire safety
2.1.1 The University's Fire Evacuation Policy shall be prominently displayed in all University residences and shall be binding on all students and visitors. The University's Fire Evacuation Policy can be viewed at
2.1.2 No student shall misuse any fire detection, fire prevention, fire safety or fire fighting equipment in University accommodation.
2.1.3 All residents, including visitors, must co-operate with fire evacuation procedure.
2.1.4 Any resident who intends to be away from accommodation overnight shall give advance notice of their absence to the Residence Management team via the residence reception.
2.1.5 The University shall treat a student's breach of this regulation 2.1, or of any of the University's Fire Policy, as a serious breach of that student's accommodation agreement which could lead to it being terminated.
2.1.6 The University shall report serious and/or persistent breach of the University's Fire Policy to the Fire Authority and co-operate in any prosecution which is brought as a result.
2.1.7 The Residence Manager or a designated representative may refuse permission for a resident to have an overnight guest on the grounds of fire safety (for example, if the maximum number of permitted guests has already been booked in for that night).
2.1.8 Students must not light any fire in any University residence or the grounds of any residence or campus grounds.
2.1.9 No student shall bring any fireworks or other explosive device into any University residence or the grounds of any residence or campus grounds.
2.1.10 Residents must not bring any furniture into residences. Whether or not it meets current fire safety standards, additional furniture is a fire hazard because over-furnished rooms impede means of escape.
2.1.11 In any disciplinary action taken as a result of a breach of this Regulation 2.1 the disciplining officers shall regard breaches of fire safety as serious matters and shall, if proven, impose the maximum penalty appropriate to the offence.
2.1.12 Students must vacate the building within 2.5 minutes of the alarm sounding; failure to do so will be treated as a disciplinary offence.
2.2 Electrical Safety
2.2.1 Residents shall not bring into University residences any electrical equipment except as permitted by Regulations 2.2.2 and 2.2.3.
2.2.2 Residents may bring into catered accommodation a kettle, stereo, hairdryer, personal computer and television. Cooking equipment may only be used in the utility rooms provided in each residence.
2.2.3 Residents may bring into self-catering accommodation the items listed in Regulation 2.2.2 and electrical cooking and food preparation equipment which may only be used in the kitchen area of the accommodation.
2.2.4 Residents who need to bring electrical equipment other than as specified in Regulations 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 into their rooms for assistance with a disability may do so provided they notify the Residence Manager in advance. The Residence Manager may, where it is reasonable to do so, request medical confirmation of what equipment is required, request a specification in order to confirm its operation can be supported in the residence or to assess what adjustments need to be made, and require the electrical equipment to be tested if they have reasonable concerns as to its safety.
2.2.5 All residents’ electrical equipment must be safe and in particular (a) be CE marked, (b) have sound mains lead and plug, (c) be correctly rated for fuses fitted for the appliance and (d) not be used in a combination which overloads the electricity supply.
2.2.6 Residents must not alter, connect into or tamper in any way with any apparatus for the supply of, or equipment which uses, electricity, gas or water.
2.2.7 Except for University fridges/freezers residents must switch off all electrical, gas and water appliances after use and ensure taps and electric lights are turned off when leaving a room unoccupied.
2.3 Behaviour
2.3.1 No student shall behave in a violent, intimidating, harassing or aggressive manner towards others. The University will treat such behaviour as a serious breach of a student's accommodation agreement which could lead to it being terminated. Further details about University policies are available at and
2.3.2 The University may move resident students to alternative accommodation for their own safety or for the safety of others where there has been violence or where there is a serious threat of violence.
2.3.3 No item which is an offensive weapon or which is likely to be used as an offensive weapon or which is an imitation or replica of an offensive weapon shall be brought into University residences. The University will treat a failure to comply with this regulation 2.3.3 as a serious breach of a student's accommodation agreement which could lead to it being terminated. This regulation applies to licensed firearms which, though they may be lawfully owned, are not permitted in University residences.
2.3.4 The University's policy and guidelines on the use of illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol shall apply to all University residential accommodation and all residents shall be notified in the Drug and Alcohol policy (currently under review) before taking up residence. The University shall co-operate fully in any police investigation into the use, supply or provision of controlled drugs or substance abuse.
2.3.5 Students shall not smoke in any part of University residences.
2.3.6 Residents shall report any accident in which they are involved or any accident or incident to which they are witness to the Residence Management team via the residence reception.
2.4 Security
2.4.1 No student shall admit anyone into University accommodation unless they are known to the student or have shown proof of their identity to the student.
2.4.2 Regulation 2.4.1 shall not apply where entry is being forced and the student's personal safety is likely to be put at risk if the student resists.
2.4.3 Students shall ensure that external doors are locked after they use them and shall not leave open any window when their accommodation is unoccupied.
2.4.4 The University is not liable for loss of, theft of or damage to any student's property unless it is caused by the University's negligence (or its employees’ or agents’ negligence) or a breach of the University's obligations in the student's accommodation agreement.
2.4.5 Residents shall accompany visitors/guests in University residences after 11.30 pm and, if leaving after that time, shall take them to the main doors and ensure the doors are securely closed after the visitors'/guests' departure.
2.4.6 Students shall show identification on request to any member of University staff.
2.4.7 Any student who loses his/her key, fob or entry card shall report the loss as soon as practicable after discovery to the Reception.
2.4.8 Residents must not lend their keys, fobs or entry cards to anyone, even if that person is a resident in the same building.
2.4.9 Residents must not make copies of their keys.
2.4.10 No person shall sell events tickets in the Residences unless they are for Students' Guild or its Societies or Hall Associations events (sold in the main reception area).
2.5 Medical and Health
2.5.1 Any student who is diagnosed with or who has been in contact with an infectious or contagious disease e.g. Meningitis; Typhoid must inform the Residence Management team via the residence reception.
2.5.2 If the infection or contact takes place in the vacation, the student shall not resume residence unless the Residence Manager or designated representative is reasonably satisfied that there is no risk of disease affecting other residents, and to this end they may (depending on the circumstances, but always acting reasonably) request the student to provide a medical or quarantine certificate as a pre-condition of returning to their accommodation.
2.5.3 The University shall make such reasonable adjustments as are necessary to ensure that disabled residents in University accommodation are not put at a substantial disadvantage when compared with other residents and the University shall actively promote equality of opportunity for residents with disabilities.
2.5.4 If any student's medical condition results in behaviour which, in the reasonable opinion of the Residence Manager materially and adversely affects the health or well-being of other residents (for example a student who self-harms in shared facilities) then the Residence Manager may Arrange for a move to a different type of University accommodation where this is available and would be likely to help; and/or Request a student to move out of University accommodation temporarily until the student’s condition improves (in which case the student will be asked to vacate their room, without being charged for the period of absence, and will be offered accommodation, but not necessarily the same accommodation, once the student’s condition enables them safely to return).
2.5.5 The University shall by these Regulations notify residents of its policy on Meningitis which can be viewed at
2.5.6 Any resident who needs to be absent from their accommodation for longer than seven days must notify the Residence Management team via the residence reception.
3 Tenancy (Accommodation) Agreements
3.1 Only persons who have paid a deposit and entered into an accommodation agreement with the University shall be permitted to occupy University residential accommodation.
3.2 The accommodation agreement shall be on the University's standard terms and conditions (which may vary slightly from one residence to another, but only to the extent necessary for different types of accommodation).
3.3 Residents who wish to terminate their accommodation agreements may only do so in the circumstances, and on the conditions, set out in the accommodation agreement. Residents must follow any procedures set out in the Guide to Services and Facilities (except in the circumstances described in Regulation 9.6). Residents terminating their agreements early remain liable to pay residence charges until a replacement tenant, reasonably satisfactory to the University and who is not already in University accommodation, takes their place.
3.4 The University may let any rooms which are already vacant to residents on its waiting list in preference to allocating a waiting student to a room where a tenant wishes to terminate their tenancy.
3.5 Students, who have a requirement to stay in Exeter for academic purposes, may apply (at the beginning of the Summer Term) for accommodation during the long vacation after the end of the Period of Residence specified in their accommodation agreement, but accommodation will be subject to availability and successful students must enter into a new accommodation agreement for the additional period they wish to be in occupation.
3.6 The University will not refund residence charges where a student is not able to occupy their accommodation owing to ill health, unless it is for a reason connected with a disability or as described in Regulation 9.6. Where a student is absent from catered accommodation for longer than one week due to illness they may apply to the Accommodation Office for a refund of meals provided their application is accompanied by a medical certificate, but a refund is not an automatic entitlement.
3.7 The University will not intervene in any dispute between a student tenant and their private landlord.
3.8 The University may treat any breach of a student’s obligations in their accommodation agreement as a disciplinary matter under these Regulations as an alternative, or in addition to, taking legal proceedings to enforce the agreement.
4 Nuisance and Anti-social behaviour
4.1 Every student shall have respect for the private life of other residents and their need for peace and quiet in order to sleep and study.
4.2 The University encourages residents to have an active social life, but only to the extent that this does not involve behaviour which is a nuisance to others.
4.3 The University may take disciplinary action against any student who engages in anti-social behaviour, but persistent anti-social behaviour will also be regarded as a breach of the student’s accommodation agreement which could lead to it being terminated (the student remaining liable for Residence Charges until the room is re-let).
4.4 A breach of parking regulations ( at residences constitutes a breach of these Regulations and a breach of the student’s accommodation agreement.
4.5 Under these Regulations, and the student accommodation agreement, residents are responsible for the conduct of their guests and visitors (but not intruders) and in addition to the visitor/guest being required to leave by a member of University Staff or Hall Association, a student may be liable for disciplinary action as a result of any nuisance or anti-social behaviour by their visitor/guest.
4.6 No student shall cause a noise audible from outside their room or flat. Students shall not cause any noise in the shared areas of residences or outside residences between the hours of 11.30 pm and 7.30 am. The University shall take disciplinary action against students who cause noise nuisance. Persistent noise nuisance is a breach of the student accommodation agreement that could lead to it being terminated.
4.7 Students shall not ride bicycles or scooters inside any residential building. Nor should they use skateboards inside any residential building, in University grounds or in the grounds of residences. Residents must not store bicycles in their rooms or anywhere else in residences except for the designated bicycle storage areas or through arrangements made with the University Bicycle Club where bikes must be stored in bike bags.
4.8 Students shall not play ball games (including golf) or engage in normally outdoor sporting pursuits in any residential building or in or around the grounds of residences except with the prior written permission of the Residence Manager.
4.9 Residents shall not play any games in corridors of residential buildings.
4.10 Students shall not litter the shared areas of the grounds surrounding the residences.
4.11 No student shall bring any animal into any University residence or grounds unless it is for the assistance of a disabled person.
5 Care of the Accommodation
5.1 Residents must look after their accommodation as required by their accommodation agreements and their obligation under the general law to behave in a tenant-like manner.
5.2 Students must not display notices etc except as permitted by the accommodation agreement. Students may display notices etc in residences if they have been issued by the Students' Guild or its Societies, provided they have first obtained the Residence Manager's consent and had the Hall/Residence and date stamp visibly marked on them. Staff may remove any unofficial notice which does not carry the Hall/Residence and date stamp.
5.3 No student shall deface, damage or remove official notices of the University displayed by the Campus Services staff.
5.4 Residents must not display any item in or from their window (other than small ornaments on internal windowsills) and must not hang anything (including washing) from their window or place anything on external windowsills.
6 Charges
6.1 Residents must pay their charges for University residential accommodation on or before the dates set out in their accommodation agreement (also shown in the University calendar and in each student's offer.
6.2 Late fee charges, as stated in the University's Fees Regulations, are payable for arrears.
6.3 Serious or persistent arrears will be regarded as a breach of the student's accommodation agreement which could lead to it being terminated.
6.4 The disciplinary regulations and procedures applicable to students in debt to the University Fees Regulations, shall apply to residents who owe accommodation charges or any other payment due under their accommodation agreement.
6.5 The University shall by these Regulations warn students that in accordance with the University's Ordinance 2.7 no person shall be eligible for any award by the University unless all fees, charges, dues and fines owing to the University have been paid in full.
6.6 All enquiries regarding payment of accommodation charges shall be made to Student Information Desk Team located in the Forum. Details about how to pay the accommodation charges are available via
6.7 The University shall not be required to make any repayment of pre-paid charges except as set out in the University's accommodation agreement or in these Regulations.
6.8 The University shall not act as guarantor, or pay charges, for any student living in privately-owned or leased accommodation.
7 Disciplinary Procedures
7.1 If a student is in breach of Regulations Applicable to University Residences or the terms of Regulations Applicable to University Residences, or the terms of accommodation agreement, the University may in its reasonable discretion take disciplinary action against them in accordance with the University’s Disciplinary Procedure ( set out in the University Calendar.
7.2 The University shall make these Regulations available to all residents before they take up residence and ignorance of these Regulations shall not be acceptable as an excuse for infringement of them.
7.3 The University’s Disciplinary Procedure in the University Calendar: ( defines which Campus Services staff may invoke the Procedure and their powers e.g.: to impose penalties.
7.4 Nothing in these Regulations shall prevent the University from taking court proceedings where appropriate against a student who is in breach of their accommodation agreement or from reporting a student’s actual or suspected criminal conduct to the police.
8 Social Events
8.1 Under these Regulations, and the student accommodation agreement, residents are responsible for the conduct of their guests and visitors (but not intruders).
8.2 A resident may not invite more than four guests to their room at any time. They may not invite a guest to stay overnight without written consent of the Residence Manager or a designated representative.
8.3 The Residence Manager or a designated representative shall not give consent to overnight guests during Freshers’ Week or at any time in a shared room where it may not be in the co-occupier's interests. No consent will be given for overnight guests aged under 18.
8.4 If a resident wishes to have more than four guests at the same time they must reserve a social area or public room. Reservations are made by completing an event form available at the hall reception, at least two weeks prior to the event and full details of the nature of the event and the number of persons expected to attend must be given at the time of application.
8.5 Any student using a social area or public room must inform the licensee in advance if alcohol is to be consumed.
8.6 Permission to use social areas or public rooms (whether for student meetings, ticket-sale events or private parties) extends only to midnight on the day of the event.
8.7 Students may not hold or attend barbecues on any part of the campus except for those organised as official barbecues through Campus Services.
9 Arrivals and Departures, Early Terminations
9.1 Residents shall not be admitted to catered accommodation before the Sunday prior to the start of the second and third terms unless the Residence Manager has previously agreed and the student has paid the additional charges due for the extra days.
9.2 Residents in catered accommodation shall vacate their rooms by 10. 00am on the Saturday immediately following the end of each term unless the Residence Manager has previously agreed and the University will charge residents (at the equivalent rate to term-time accommodation where consent has been given, and at double the usual rate where no consent has been given) for any additional days they or their belongings are in residence.
9.3 Residents must return keys, fobs and entry cards at the end of each term as directed in the Guide to services and facilities applicable to their residence, or pay the costs of replacement.
9.4 Accommodation agreements may not be terminated early except as set out in the accommodation agreement. The University may make charges for early termination as set out in the accommodation agreement.
9.5 Where a student wishes to leave University residential accommodation before the accommodation agreement has expired, the student must follow the procedure set out in the Guide to services and facilities.
9.6 The University will not give refunds or discharges of Residence Charge unless one or more of the following grounds (in the University’s reasonable discretion) applies:
- withdrawing, interrupting, or deferring from the University. All applications for remission of charges must be accompanied by written evidence (Release Form) signed by the Department for:
- compassionate grounds, such as the student’s or their partner’s long-term or substantial illness
- material change in the student’s personal circumstances, likely to adversely affect their life or work, such as bereavement or pregnancy
- the University’s material misrepresentation about the accommodation
All applications for remission of charges must be accompanied by written evidence and only those supported by the Students’ Guild Advice Unit will be considered. Full details of the requirements to meet these criterions are available on request.
9.7 Where an application for refund or discharge of charges is accepted, the University will notify the student in writing of that fact and arrange for any refund to be made as soon as practicable after the student vacates.
9.8 Where an application for refund or discharge of charges is rejected, the University will notify the student in writing of that fact and give reasons for its decision. Objections to the decision may be made under the Students' Complaints Procedure at
9.9 A student whose application for refund or discharge of charges is rejected may stay in their accommodation until a replacement student, reasonably satisfactory to the University and not already in University accommodation takes their place or they may vacate. However, if they vacate they will remain liable to pay the charges for the room until a new tenancy is granted to a suitable replacement student.
9.10 Residents vacating early must on their departure return all keys, fobs, entry cards, and ID cards to the residence reception. Unless all items are handed back to the University, the University may either continue to charge for the room until the item is returned or charge the proper replacement costs to the student, whichever is more favourable to the student.
9.11 The Accommodation Office, in liaison with Residence Managers, has the discretion to allow a room transfer within residences but shall charge an administration fee of £45 unless the reason is because of a serious problem with a student's room or neighbours.
9.12 Discretion to allow a room transfer from catered accommodation into self catering accommodation rests with the Accommodation Office. An administration fee of £45 unless the reason is because of a serious problem with a student’s room or neighbours and no other room in catered accommodation is available.
10 University-Resident Liaison
10.1 Complaints by students who are in University residential accommodation shall be made in accordance with the Students' Complaints Procedure at
10.2 The following officers of the University shall be responsible for dealing with requests from residents for advice. Residents should contact the officers in the order stated
10.2.1 With regard to academic matters, welfare, discipline and other students in accommodation:
- Designated Campus Services Staff member
- Residence Life Advisor
- Head of Student Support Services
- Head of Student Services
10.2.2 With regard to domestic matters in accommodation, catering, portering, cleaning, and room allocation
- Residence Manager
- Assistant Director, Residences
- Operations Director, Campus Services
N.B. With regards to academic matters students should seek advice, in the first instance, from their Personal Tutor/Academic Tutor.