Calendar 2013/14

Regulations Governing Academic Programmes
1 Faculty of Taught Programmes
1.1 Regulations Governing General Entrance Requirements for Undergraduate Programmes
1.2 Regulations Governing Honours Degrees
1.3 Regulations Governing the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Laws
1.4 Regulations Governing Certificates in Archaeology, Combined Studies, Computing, Egyptology, Environmental Studies, Historical Studies, Humanities, Literature, Regional Studies, Theology
1.5 Regulations Governing Certificates in Modern Languages: French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian
1.6 Regulations Governing the Certificate in Theology
1.7 Regulations Governing Diplomas in Archaeological Studies, Historical Studies, Humanities, Literature, Theological and Cultural Studies, and Theology
1.8 Regulations Governing the Diploma in English Law for International Students
1.9 Regulations Governing the Diploma in Science Studies for International Students
1.10 Regulations Governing the Diploma in Theology
1.11 Regulations Governing the Postgraduate Certificate in Education
1.12 Regulations Governing the Degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Business Administration, Master of Education, Master of Engineering, Master of Engineering (European), Master of Fine Arts, Master of Laws, Master of Research, and Master of Science
1.13 Regulations Governing the Postgraduate Certificate
1.14 Regulations Governing the Certificate in Education (Further Education)
1.15 Regulations Governing the Postgraduate Diploma
1.16 Regulations Governing Foundation Degrees
1.17 Regulations Governing Integrated Masters Degrees (MPhys, MMath, MEng, MSci)
1.18 Regulations Governing the Graduate LLB Programme
1.19 Regulations Governing the Certificate in Advanced Study
2 Faculty of Graduate Research
2.1 Regulations Governing the Degree of Master of Philosophy
2.2 Regulations Governing the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
2.3 Regulations Governing the Degree of Doctor of Clinical Psychology
2.4 Regulations Governing the Degree of Doctor of Educational Psychology
2.5 Regulations Governing the Degree of Doctor of Education (Pre April 2013)
2.5 Regulations Governing the Degree of Doctor of Education (Post April 2013)
2.6 Regulations Governing the Degrees of Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Engineering (DEng), Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Letters and Doctor of Science
2.7 Regulations Governing the Degrees of Master of Arts by Research and Master of Science by Research
2.8 Regulations Governing the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Publication
2.9 Regulations Governing the Degree of Master of Philosophy by Publication
2.10 Regulations Governing the Degree of Master of Arts by Research and Master of Science by Research by Publication
2.11 Regulations Governing the Degrees of Doctor in Clinical Research and Doctor in Clinical Practice
2.12 Regulations Governing the Degree of Doctor of Engineering (EngD)
2.13 Regulations Governing the Degrees of Doctor of Medicine and Master of Surgery
3 Validated and Accredited Awards Delivered in Partnership
  Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes