Calendar 2013/14

Regulations Governing Academic Programmes

1 Faculty of Taught Programmes

1.12 Regulations Governing the Degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Business Administration, Master of Education, Master of Engineering, Master of Engineering (European), Master of Fine Arts, Master of Laws, Master of Research, and Master of Science
1 Eligibility
1.1 The following may apply for registration for a degree of Master:
  (a) Graduates of the University
  (b) Graduates of other Universities and Institutions of Higher Education approved by the Senate
  (c) Other persons who can satisfy the Senate under Ordinance 8.1
  (d) Where the syllabus permits and sufficient credits have been successfully accumulated on a programme leading to a Postgraduate Diploma or Certificate, candidates may be permitted to transfer to a degree of Master, and to count the period of study completed under their original registration towards the period required under the new registration.
1.2 Candidates for the degree of MEng shall be graduates holding the degree of Bachelor of Engineering of the University of Exeter.
1.3 Applicants under 1.1 (a)-(c) will normally be expected to have at least a Second Class Honours degree or to have reached an equivalent standard in a General or unclassified degree or other qualification.
1.4 Applicants whose native language is not English will be required to provide evidence of competence in English Language, and after admission to the University may be required to take additional instruction in English Language, normally in the University English Language Centre.
2 Conditions of Study
2.1 Candidates for a degree of Master will be registered as full-time, part-time or continuation students as provided in the programme syllabus. Full-time candidates shall follow approved programmes of study, including any required course work, for a minimum of one year. Part-time candidates shall follow approved programmes of study, including any required course work, for a minimum period of two years.
2.2 For programmes for which the University's Education Committee has given such approval, the whole, or part, of the period of study may be undertaken at an approved institution.
3 Credit-rating of Programmes
3.1 All modules comprising an approved programme of study carry a specific credit value. Candidates for the degree of Master are required to follow modules to the value of at least 180 credits as specified in the programme syllabus (except for the Master of Fine Art where students must follow modules to the value of at least 360 credits). The content of programmes must observe the University's approved conventions for levels and awards.
3.2 The programme of study shall include not less than 90 credits in the University or in an institution affiliated to, or associated with, the University. Exceptionally, this minimum number may be reduced in recognition of credits accumulated from elsewhere;
  (a) in individual cases subject to the approval of the Dean of the Faculty of Taught Programmes; or
  (b) in the case of other institutions' specific programmes, subject to the approval of the University's Education Committee.
  This arrangement does not apply for the Master of Fine Arts.
4 Continued Registration
4.1 Each candidate is required to re-register at the beginning of each academic year within which credit for modules is being sought.
4.2 The programme specification for postgraduate taught programmes may stipulate the 'credit expiry period' for modules within that programme, otherwise it will be five years.
4.3 If counting credit towards a programme would mean that more than the credit expiry period will elapse between the date of the award of the earliest credits and the date for the completion of the programme, the Dean of the Faculty of Taught Programmes, on the advice of the relevant school may:
  a) Cancel credit for the module/s; or
  b) Determine the conditions, if any, under which the student may retain credit
4.4 Candidates who have successfully completed all the requirements for the award of the degree except for the submission of the dissertation and have completed three terms since initial registration on the dissertation module may, subject to the consent of their Director of Studies, be permitted to transfer to continuation status.
4.5 Such candidates are required to submit a report on their progress at the end of each academic year; failure to submit will normally result in termination of registration.
5 Assessment
5.1 Candidates shall be assessed in accordance with the University's approved Postgraduate Taught Programmes Assessment Procedures and the scheme described in the syllabus.
5.2 No candidate shall be admitted to any examination unless the Head of College or appropriate academic unit certifies that the candidate has completed by attendance or otherwise the requirements of the programme.
5.3 Candidates for degrees of Master by taught programme who have not achieved the standard required for the degree may be eligible on the recommendation of the examiners for the award of a Postgraduate Diploma or a Postgraduate Certificate, according to the numbers of credits successfully achieved.
5.4 Dissertations within Postgraduate Taught Programmes
5.4.1 Where a dissertation module forms an element in the programme, a candidate may not include in any dissertation, material previously submitted and approved for the award of a degree by this or any other university.
5.4.2 Candidates must submit two printed or type-written copies (which shall include a summary of approximately 300 words), of which one shall become the property of the University.
5.4.3 When ready to apply for the dissertation to be examined, each candidate shall submit an application form which shall include an undertaking that all the material in it which is not the candidate's own work is identified, and that the dissertation does not include any material previously submitted and approved for a degree.
5.5 A candidate who fails in any part of the programme contributing to the final award may, on the recommendation of the examiners and with the approval of the Board of the Faculty of Taught Programmes, be permitted to resubmit or re-sit on up to two subsequent occasions, the part of the assessment requirements which they have failed.
6 Awards
6.1 Degrees of Master by taught programme may be awarded with distinction or with merit.
7 Staff Candidates
7.1 Full-time members of the academic staff in the categories of Professor, Reader, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer and Research Fellow may apply for registration as candidates for a degree of Master. No period of study will be prescribed for such candidates.
7.2 Other full-time employees of the University and all part-time employees may apply for registration.