Calendar 2013/14

Regulations Governing Academic Programmes

1 Faculty of Taught Programmes

1.2 Regulations Governing Honours Degrees
1 Admission to Programmes
1.1 With the approval of the Dean acting on behalf of the Board of the Faculty of Taught Programmes and the Senate, applicants who satisfy the entrance requirements shall be admitted to programmes on the recommendation of the Head(s) of School concerned.
2 Credit-rating of Programmes
2.1 All modules comprising an approved programme of study carry a specific credit value. All full-time students are required to follow modules normally to a value of 120 credits each year, whilst part-time students normally study credits to the value of at least 60 credits per year. For the award of a 3 stage programme students are required to follow modules to the value of 360 credits with 480 credits for a four- stage programme, in accordance with the University's Undergraduate Degrees and Awards: Assessment Procedures. The content of programmes must observe the University's approved conventions for levels and awards, as set out in the Levels and Awards Framework.
3 Transfer of Credits
3.1 On the recommendation of the Head(s) of School concerned, studies at degree level pursued in another university or institution of higher education may be counted towards the credit requirements for the degree provided that:
  (a) the number of credits does not exceed 180 in a 360-credit programme or 240 in a 480-credit programme and
  (b) The final 120 credits of the programme are studied at the University of Exeter
  Exceptionally, these minima may be reduced in recognition of credits accumulated from elsewhere, subject to the approval of the Dean of the Faculty in the case of individual applications, and of the Board of the Faculty in the case of other institutions' specific programmes (see 6: Intercalated Degrees)
3.2 On the recommendation of the Head(s) of School concerned, a graduate of the University may, on completion of not less than 120 credits of additional study in the University, be accepted as a candidate for an honours degree in another subject or subjects.
4 Programme of Modular Study
4.1 The Degree may also be awarded on completion of a programme of modular study.
4.2 Candidates will successfully complete Stage 1 in a Single or Combined Honours discipline.
4.3 During each of Stages 2 and 3, candidates are permitted to design their own programme to the total of 240 credits over the two years, subject to the approval of the Flexible Combined Honours Degree Board and to conformity with the following framework: either
  (a) with one field of study: at least 80 credits in each stage within the designated field and at least 15 credits in each stage outside that field.
  (b) with two fields of study: the two fields will normally take up 120 credits in each stage , but up to 15 credits in each stage may be chosen outside those fields.
4.4 The title of the discipline of the Degree to be awarded shall be determined at the end of Year 2 as approved by the Flexible Combined Honours Degree Board.
5 Intercalated Degrees

Students following a degree at the University of Exeter Medical School or another appropriate medical or veterinary institution may apply to undertake an intercalated degree at the University of Exeter, provided that the student's home College or institution approves of the intercalation, and that the student has successfully completed the fourth year of their medical degree.

5.2 Admission is subject to approval as set out in 1.1. It should be noted that admission is not based on a credit transfer system, but on agreements between institutions.
5.3 Students on an intercalated degree programme will normally join the final stage of a degree programme, and be assessed in at least 120 credits.
5.4 Students may join existing programmes taking part in the intercalated scheme, or join the Flexible Combined Honours Degree, where they will be able to design their programme (see section 5). However, in most cases, the award of an intercalated degree will not result in the recognition by professional or statutory accrediting bodies.
5.5 The classification of an award will be based on the achievement during the study at the University of Exeter only.
6 Assessment, Re-assessment and Classification of Awards
6.1 The assessment and re-assessment of candidates and the classification of awards shall be governed by the provisions set out in the University's approved undergraduate degree assessment procedures and supplemented by programme-based assessment procedures.
6.2 Candidates for final Honours and for other language module assessments in French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Arabic and Middle East Studies may on the recommendation of the examiners, be awarded a distinction in the oral assessment.
6.3 Candidates for final Honours may, on successful completion of a minimum of 60 credits of foreign language modules, on the recommendation of the examiners be awarded a degree title to include ‘with proficiency in <named language>’.
6.4 Candidates for final Honours and for other appropriate module assessments in Music may, on the recommendation of the examiners, be awarded a distinction in the final-year recital.