Calendar 2013/14

Regulations Governing Academic Programmes

1 Faculty of Taught Programmes


Regulations Governing the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Laws


Admission to Programme


With the approval of the Dean acting on behalf of the Board of the Faculty of Taught Programmes and the Senate, applicants who satisfy the entrance requirements shall be admitted to the programme on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Law.


Credit-rating of Programmes


All modules comprising an approved programme of study carry a specific credit value. All full-time students are required to follow modules normally to a value of 120 credits each year and to complete 360 credits for a three-year programme and 480 credits for a four-year programme. The content of programmes must observe the University's approved conventions for levels and awards.


Requirements of Professional Regulatory Bodies


It shall be the duty of the Head of the Law School to ensure at all times that the programme satisfies the academic requirements of the professional regulatory bodies for admission to legal practice in England and Wales (whether as a barrister or a solicitor). The ‘professional regulatory bodies’ include for these purposes the Solicitors Regulation Authority, the Law Society, the Bar Council, and the Bar Standards Board.


The Head of the Law School may make such rules as appear necessary or expedient to ensure that the programme is consistent with the academic requirements of the professional regulatory bodies. The rules made under this paragraph may be revoked or varied by subsequent rules.


The rules made under this paragraph shall apply to candidates on the programme as if they formed part of this regulation. 

3.4 The rules made under this paragraph shall, mutatis mutandi, apply to the the Bachelor of Laws (European) Programme and the the Graduate LLB Programme.

Any rules made under this paragraph shall be:

  (a) notified to the Dean of the Faculty;
  (b) laid before the Board of the Faculty of Taught Programmes and the Senate for information; and,
  (c) published in such places and formats as the Head of the Law School deems necessary.


Period of Study


The full-time programme shall extend over three academic years except where it includes a year of approved study abroad or placement when it shall extend over four academic years. A candidate may be allowed to extend the period of study only for a reason approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Taught Programmes.


Programmes may also be available by part-time study. Part-time students are normally required to study for a minimum of 60 credits per year.


On the recommendation of the Head of School, studies at degree level pursued in another university or institution of higher education may be counted towards the credit requirements for the degree provided that:


(a) the number of credits does not exceed 180 in a 360-credit programme or 240 in a 480 credit programme;


(b) the final 120 credits of the programme are studied in the University; and,


(c) on completion of the programme the candidate will have complied with the academic requirements of the professional regulatory bodies as prescribed by the rules made under this regulation.

  Exceptionally, these minima may be reduced in recognition of credits accumulated from elsewhere, subject to the approval of the Dean of the Faculty in the case of individual applications, and of the Board of the Faculty and the University Teaching Committee in the case of other institutions’ specific programmes.


Examination, Re-examination and Classification of Awards


No candidate shall be admitted to any examination unless it is certified by the Head of School that the candidate has completed by attendance and otherwise the requirements of the programme (including the performance of such vacation work as may be required).

5.2 The examination and re-examination of candidates and the classification of awards shall be governed by the provisions set out in the University's approved undergraduate degree assessment procedures.
6 Vacation Study, Field Courses, and Study Abroad
6.1 Students shall undertake such vacation study, field courses, or study abroad as may from time to time be prescribed.