Calendar 2013/14

Regulations Governing Academic Programmes

2 Faculty of Graduate Research

2.7 Regulations Governing the Degrees of Master of Arts by Research and Master of Science by Research
1 Eligibility
1.1 The following may apply for registration for the degree of Master of Arts by Research or Master of Science by Research (“Master by Research”):
  (a) Graduates of the University
  (b) Graduates of other Universities and Institutions of Higher Education approved by the Senate
  (c) Other persons who can satisfy the provisions of Ordinance 9.1.
1.2 Applicants will normally be expected to have at least a Second Class Honours degree or to have reached an equivalent standard in a General or unclassified degree or other qualification.
1.3 Applicants whose native language is not English will be required to provide evidence of competence in English Language sufficient for research study, and after admission to the University may be required to take additional instruction in English Language, normally in the University English Language Centre (INTO).
2 Registration of Candidature
2.1 Registration shall be effective not earlier than the beginning of the term in which the candidature is formally approved.
2.2 Subject to the approval of the Dean of the Faculty, candidates registered at the University for another degree of Master or for the degree of Master of Philosophy may be allowed to transfer their registration to the degree of Master by Research and to have all or part of the period of study completed under the original registration counted towards the period required under the new registration.
3 Conditions of Study
3.1 Candidates will be registered as full-time or as part-time students under supervisors approved by the College Dean or appropriate recognised academic unit.
4 Continued Registration
4.1 A candidate who fails to make satisfactory progress may be required to withdraw.
4.3 Each candidate is required to re-register at the beginning of each academic year until the required dissertation has been submitted.
4.4 Candidates may, with the approval of the College Dean, be registered on Continuation Status provided they have completed their research and will not be undertaking any significant additional research.
4.5 Full-time candidates may not register for more than two years and part-time candidates for not more than three years. In exceptional cases the Dean of College may grant a stipulated period of extension.
5 Assessment
5.1 Each candidate will be required to submit a dissertation which will either be in the prescribed form for a thesis or in the form of a scientific paper. It shall not exceed 40,000 words excluding bibliography, appendices and abstract. Candidates may be required to take a viva voce examination.
5.2 A candidate may not include in the dissertation material previously submitted and approved for the award of a degree by this or any other university.
5.3 Candidates must submit two copies (which shall include a summary of approximately 300 words) in the format prescribed by the 'Presentation of Theses/Dissertations for Degree in the Faculty of Graduate Research: Statement of Procedures'.
5.4 When ready to apply for the dissertation to be examined, each candidate shall submit an application form which shall include an undertaking that all the material in the dissertation which is not the candidate's own work has been identified and that the dissertation does not include any material previously submitted and approved for a degree.
5.5 In assessing the dissertation, the examiners will require:
  (a) evidence that it extends the knowledge of the subject;
  (b) evidence of the candidate's ability to relate the subject matter of the dissertation to the existing body of knowledge within the field;
  (c) a satisfactory level of literary presentation.
5.6 When the examiners consider that a dissertation does not reach the standard required for the degree of Master by Research, it shall be within their discretion to make one of the following recommendations:
  (a) that the degree be awarded subject to the candidate making minor amendments to the dissertation to the satisfaction of one or more of the examiners, as may be agreed between them.
  (b) that the degree be awarded subject to the candidate making major amendments to the thesis to the satisfaction of the examiners as may be agreed between them.
  (c) that no degree be awarded but that the candidate be permitted to submit a revised dissertation..
5.7 In making their recommendation, examiners may take into account any circumstances which may make it impracticable for a candidate to undertake a further period of study.
5.8 When making recommendations (a), (b) or (c), the examiners are required, when making their final report to the Dean of the Faculty, also to indicate for the information of the candidate the reasons for their decision, and where amendments are required (whether minor, major or revisions prior to re-submission) to indicate those aspects or parts of the dissertation which they regard as inadequate and the nature and extent of the re-writing required.
5.9 A dissertation may be re-submitted on one occasion within such period of further study as the examiners recommend and the Dean of Faculty approves. A candidate preparing for re-submission will be required to maintain registration as a continuing registration student.
5.10 On examination of a re-submitted dissertation, if the examiners again consider that a dissertation does not reach the standard required for the degree of Master by Research, it shall be within their discretion to make one of the following recommendations:
  (a) that the degree be awarded subject to the candidate making minor amendments to the dissertation to the satisfaction of one or more of the examiners as may be agreed between them.
  (b) that the degree be awarded subject to the candidate making major amendments to the thesis to the satisfaction of the examiners
  (c) that no degree be awarded.