
Prizes play an important part in recognising in a public way high levels of student achievement, primarily through academic excellence but also in some instances through the quality of contribution to other aspects of University life. They are an important element in the University's strategy for engaging local and national companies in the life of the University. For those who receive them, prizes enhance their relationship with the University, hopefully well into the future. In addition, they give donors the opportunity to make a gift to the University for a variety of reasons, often of a quite personal nature.

Below are the prizes that are currently awarded by the University, listed primarily by Faculty.

Camborne School of Mines

Richard Osman Prize: £500 is awarded for the best thesis presentation and two runner up prizes of £250.

Ball Memorial Mining Economics Prize (£50 x 2). Covering second and third-year results in subjects related to management and Mineral Economics. For those taking any Mining Engineering degree at CSM.

Camborne School of Mines Trust Prize (£100). Awarded to the best first year student, based on overall academic results, taking the MSc in Mining Geology/Industrial Rocks & Minerals at CSM. 

ICES Prize (£150). Awarded to the student with the best project studying on the MSc SLEM programme.  Successful winner must be a member of ICES to receive this award.

Imerys Prize (£100). Awarded to the best first-year BEng Mining or Minerals Engineering or Mine & Quarry Engineering student, based on overall academic results.

Institute of Explosives Engineers (£50 and Textbook up to £100). Awarded to the best final year student, based on best final year Explosure-related study, taking the BEng Mining programme.

Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (£200). Awarded to third year finalist student on the BEng Mining programme for being the most successful student.

Ivor de Beer General Merit Prize (£100). Awarded to an undergraduate or postgraduate student on any programme any year for general merit and public spiritedness at CSM.

Jackson Wealth Management Merit Award (£100). Awarded to any undergraduate or postgraduate students on any programme in CSM and in any year for above average results, sportsmanship and public spiritedness.

JC Davey Industrial Geology Prize (£100). Awarded for the best summer vacation report by a final year student taking an undergraduate course in Geology at CSM.

John Brock Prize (£100). Awarded for the best performance in the Management Modules of the MSc in Mining Engineering, Minerals Engineering or Applied Geotechnics at CSM.

John Trounson Prize (£200). Awarded by the Cornish Institute of Engineers to the best student, based on overall academic results, taking the MSc in Mining/Minerals Engineering at CSM.

Ken Hosking Prize (£100). Awarded to the best first year student, based on overall academic results, taking an undergraduate course in Geology at CSM.

Martyn Nicholas Costello Memorial Prize (£100). Awarded for the best Mining Report, for a student taking BEng Mining Engineering.

Martyn Nicholas Costello Memorial Prize (£100). Awarded to the best second-year student, based on overall academic results, taking an undergraduate course in Geology.

Mineralogical Society Student Award (Free Subscription to Journal). Awarded for the best second-year aggregate mark in specified modules in mineralogical subjects in an undergraduate course in Geology.

MO Feyide Prize (£100). Awarded for the best Mining and Geotechnical Engineering module marks, for a student taking BEng Mining Engineering.

Paul Chick Memorial Prize (£100). Awarded to a final year student, for the best individual performance in the feasibility study, taking the BEng Mining Engineering/Mine & Quarry Engineering/Minerals Surveying & Resource Management.

RCA Hooper Surveying Prize (£100). Awarded to the any undergraduate student, based on general merit and public spiritedness, taking any programme at CSM.

Richard Pearce Gold Medal (Medal). Awarded to the best third-year BEng Mining Engineering or BEng Mining and Quarry Engineering student, for best academic performance primarily based on degree classification.

RIC Prize (Certificate and Amazon Voucher). Awarded to the highest achieving student on the MSc SLEM programme.

William K Brown Award (£1000). Awarded to the highest achieving final year student taking BEng Mining Engineering.

William K Brown Award (£100). Awarded to the highest achieving second year student taking BEng Mining Engineering or BEng Mine and Quarry Engineering.

MVSSA Mike Howes Memorial Prize (Ventilation Textbook). Awarded to the best performing fourth year undergraduate student in ventilation modules taking BEng/MEng Mining Engineering.

CSM Trust Prize (£100). Awarded to the most successful fourth year student on the MEng Mining Engineering programme.

Cleveland Potash Prize (£200). Awarded to the student who has performed exceptionally well or has performed well despite extreme circumstances on the BEng/MEng Mining Engineering programme.

IOM3 Prize (£50). Awarded to the student with the best project in the MSc Mining Engineering programme.

Henderson Hackett Gold Medal (Medal). Awarded to the third year student with the best academic performance, primarily based on degree classification, on the BEng Mining programme.

Keith Atkinson Memorial Fund Prize (£1000). Awarded for the highest achieving (or similarly deserving) final year student on a Geology, Applied Geology or Engineering Geology & Geotechnics undergraduate programme.

Institute of Quarrying Award (£250 x 2). Awarded to one undergraduate and one postgraduate student in mining or geotechnical mining for the best design project in Surface Excavation and Design.

Mineralogical Society Prize (Certificate and 2 years Student Membership of Mineralogical Society). Awarded to the second (or penultimate) year student with the highest marks in Mineralogy or Petrology, or equivalent examination.

Computer Science 

BCS Computer Science Prize (£150 and 1 years BCS Membership). Awarded to the Computer Science student with the best academic performance in their final year.

Computer Science Final Year Project Prize (£100 to champion and £50 to runner up). Awarded to the final year students with the best individual project, supervised by staff members of the IRI.

MSc Academic Award (£100 and Certificate). Awarded to the student with the best overall score on a Computer Science MSc programme.

MSc Project Award (£100 to champion and £50 to runner up). Awarded to the students with the best project on a Computer Science MSc Programme.

Digital and Technology Solutions Stage 1 Prize (£100). Awarded to the BSc Digital and Technology Solutions student with the best performance at Stage 1.

Digital and Technology Solutions Stage 2 Prize (£100). Awarded to the BSc Digital and Technology Solutions student with the best performance at Stage 2.

MSci Project Prize (£100 to champion and £50 to runner up). Awarded to the MSci Computer Science students for outstanding performance in the MSci individual project.

Digital and Technology Solutions Stage 3 Prize (£100). Awarded to the BSc Digital and Technology Solutions student with the best performance at Stage 3.

Digital and Technology Solutions Stage 4 Prize (£100). Awarded to the BSc Digital and Technology Solutions student with the best performance at Stage 4.

Final Year Project Poster Competition Award (Winner- £100, 1st Runner Up- £50, 2nd Runner up- £25). The final year students with the best project posters.

Earth and Environmental Sciences

MSc Applied Data Science (Environment and Sustainability) Prize (£100). Awarded to the student with the highest mark on the MSc Applied Data Science (Environment and Sustainability) programme. 

MSc Applied Data Science (Renewable Energy) Prize (£100). Awarded to the student with the highest mark on the MSc Applied Data Science (Renewable Energy) programme. 

MSc Applied Data Science (Ecology and Evolution) Prize (£100).  Awarded to the student with the highest mark on the MSc Applied Data Science (Ecology and Evolution) programme.

MSc Applied Data Science and Modelling Prize (£100). Awarded to the student with the highest mark on the MSc Applied Data Science and Modelling programme. 

MSc ADS+X Dissertation Prize (£100). Awarded to the student with the highest dissertation mark on the MSc Applied Data Science programmes on the Penryn Campus.

MSc ADS+X Community Prize (£100). Awarded to a student who has made a significant contribution to the student community of the MSc Applied Data Science programmes on the Penryn Campus 


Robert W Flux Award sponsored by the Professional Engineers Club Exeter (£150). Awarded to a final year undergraduate student for best individual project presentation.

Bertie Black Prize (£300). Awarded to the final year student of Engineering with the most outstanding academic performance.

IMechE Best Project Certificate (Certificate). Awarded by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers to a final year student undertaking the accredited BEng/MEng Mechanical Engineering or BEng/MEng Engineering and Management course for outstanding research, development or design in Mechanical Engineering. 

IMechE Best Project Award (Certificate and Medal). Awarded by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers to a final year student undertaking an accredited IMechE programme who completes an outstanding research, development or design project in Mechanical Engineering.

IMechE Best Student Certificate (Certificate). Awarded by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers to the best student in any year of the accredited BEng/MEng Engineering and Management (Mechanical) or BEng/MEng Mechanical Engineering.

IMechE Frederick Barnes Waldron Prize (Certificate and Medal). Awarded to the best Mechanical Engineering student who has completed two years of an IMechE accredited course and who is an affiliate member of the IMechE.

Dean El-Mariesh Memorial Prize (£300). Awarded to a student for most notable contribution to Engineering within the College. 

ICE Student Prize (£250 and Certificate of Merit). Awarded for the best performance in last two years on a JMB accredited civil engineering course, as recognised by the ICE. Student must be a member of the ICE. 

IET Prize (Certificate and Two Years Membership of IET). Awarded to an outstanding student on an IET accredited course.

Functional Materials, Manufacturing and Management Project Prize (£100 and Certificate). Awarded to the undergraduate finalist with the best individual project, supervised by staff members of the Functional Materials, Manufacturing and Management research group.

Water and Environment Project Prize (£100 and Certificate). Awarded to the undergraduate finalist with the best individual project, supervised by staff members of the Water and Environment Research Group.

Philip Booth Prize in Engineering (£250 x 2). Awarded to a Stage 3 finalist for the best individual project, and to a Stage 4 finalist for the best individual project.

MSc Academic Award (£100 and Certificate). Awarded to the student with the best overall score on an Engineering MSc programme.

MSc Project Award (£100 and Certificate). Awarded to the student with the best project on an Engineering MSc programme.

NEST Project Prize (£100). Awarded to the Finalist with the best individual project supervised by staff members of the NEST group.

Water Conservation Prize (Engraved Jug, Certificate and invitation to London Networking Event). Awarded on behalf of The Water Conservation Trust to the best dissertation on the MSc Water Engineering or MSc Water Engineering and Management programme.

Challenge Project Management Prize (£100). Awarded to the second year students on Module ENG 2015 for the best group Challenge Project Management project.

Electronic Engineering Challenge Project Prize (£100). Awarded to the second year students on Module ENG 2003 for the best group Electronic Engineering Challenge Project.

Sustainable Design Challenge Project Prize (£100). Awarded to the second year students on Module ENG 2013 for the best group Sustainable Design Challenge Project.

Entrepreneurship Challenge Project Prize (£100). Awarded to the second year students on Module ENG 2005 for the best group Entrepreneurship Challenge Project.

Civil Engineering Challenge Project Prize (£100). Awarded to the second year students on Module ENG 2001 for the best group Civil Engineering Challenge Project.

Renewable Energy

GeoScience – Tony Batchelor Prize (£100). Awarded to a third year undergraduate student on the Renewable Energy programme for best student in the field of Renewable Heat.

DNV Award (£400). Awarded to a third year undergraduate student on the Renewable Energy programme for best overall result in RE3 Dissertation on Marine or Wind Energy.

Pure Energy Professionals Ltd (£100). Awarded to a second or third year undergraduate student on the Renewable Energy programme for showing the most commitment to Renewable Energy.

Staff Prize (£150). Awarded to any year undergraduate student on the Renewable Energy programme for effort and achievement. 

Haydn Scholes Wardell Armstrong Prize (£100). Awarded to a third year undergraduate student on a Renewable Energy programme for most innovative student project.

Wheal Jane Group Prize (£250). Awarded to a third or fourth year undergraduate student on a Renewable Energy programme for best student in the field of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems.

RES Power for Good Award (£100). Awarded to the most professional Renewable Energy third or fourth year student.

George Smith Award (£100). Awarded to the student with the most significant contribution towards the Renewable Energy programme.

Hoare Lea Award for Professionalism in Renewable Energy Engineering (£100). Final year renewable energy/ clean energy undergraduate student demonstrating the most professional approach to academic studies and University engagement.

Bennamann Award for Demonstrating Outstanding Potential in Renewable Energy Engineering (£100). Award recognising the graduate demonstrating the most outstanding potential during their time on the programme.

British Solar Renewables Award for the Best Solar Project (£250). Award to the Year 3 or Year 4 student on a Renewable Energy programme who produces the Best Solar Project.

The Regen award for best dissertation addressing policy, regulatory or social issues relating to sustainable energy (£300 + train costs & lunch for a day at Regen’s premises.) Highest mark for a dissertation judged to be in the category of policy, regulatory or social issues relating to sustainable energy.  


Royal Forestry Society Esmond Harris MBE Prize (£200). Awarded to the student with the best forestry-related dissertation. Dissertation is also published in the Quarterly Journal of Forestry.

Jonathan Ratnage Human Geography Prize (£75). Awarded to the student for the dissertation in Human Geography with the highest mark.

Jonathan Ratnage Physical Geography Prize (£75). Awarded to the student for the dissertation in Physical Geography with the highest mark.

Lewis Excellence in Geography Memorial Prize (£50 x 3). Awarded to the three students with the highest weighted mean in BA and BSc, excluding the winner of the William Ravenhill prize. 

Met Office Prize (£100). Awarded to the student for the best dissertation in the area of climate/ weather.

William Ravenhill Prize (£100). Awarded to the undergraduate student for the best academic performance in Geography.

Centre for Geography and Environmental Science Penryn

Best Dissertation Award (£100 voucher). Awarded to the final year student with highest dissertation mark. One prize awarded per programme, to include; BA Geography, BSc Geography, BSc Human Sciences, BSc Environmental Science and MSci programmes.

Highest Overall Marks (£100 voucher). Awarded to the final year student with best final mark for degree.

Contribution to the Centre for Geography, Environment and Society Award (£50 voucher). Awarded to the student who has made a significant positive contribution to the student experience for CGES across their 3 years.

Royal Forestry Society Undergraduate Award (£250).   Awarded to University of Exeter in Cornwall CGES students. Awarded to the student with the best forestry-related dissertation. Dissertation is also published in the Quarterly Journal of Forestry. 

Mathematics and Statistics

AT Price Prize in Mathematical Sciences (£150 and Certificate). Awarded to the finalist student with the best performance.

IMA Prize (1 years free Membership of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications x 2). Awarded to two final year undergraduate students for outstanding performance.

Met Office Prize (£100 x 2). Awarded to two final year undergraduate students for outstanding performance in a project or other module relevant to Met Office activities.

Mathematics Research Project Prize (£100 x 2). Awarded to two final year undergraduate students on a Mathematics programme with an outstanding individual project.

Unthank Prize in Mathematics (£150 x 8). Awarded to eight undergraduate students with the best overall performance in a Single Honours Mathematics programme.

MSc Academic Award (£100 and Certificate). Awarded to the postgraduate taught student with the best overall score on a Mathematics and Statistics MSc programme, excluding the MSc Applied Data Science and Statistics programmes. 

MSc Project Award (£100 and Certificate). Awarded to the postgraduate taught student with the best project on a Mathematics and Statistics MSc programme, excluding the MSc Applied Data Science and Statistics programmes.

MSc Applied Data Science and Statistics Academic Award (£100 and Certificate). Awarded to the postgraduate taught student with the best overall score on a MSc Applied Data Science and Statistics programme

MSc Applied Data Science and Statistics Project Award (£100 and Certificate). Awarded to the postgraduate taught student with the best project on a MSc Applied Data Science and Statistics programme 

Combined Honours Mathematics and Physics Prize (£100 and Certificate). Awarded to a student with especially meritorious performance at stage 2.

Ethan Philbrick Prize (£100).  Awarded to the undergraduate student at stage 2 of a Mathematics degree (including the major/minor degrees but excluding combined honours degrees) who has shown the greatest improvement since stage 1 while also overcoming obstacles to success during stages 1 or 2. 

Mathematics Penryn

Year 3 Prize (£100). Awarded to the student with outstanding performance in year three.

Mathematical Science Project Prize (£100). Awarded to the student with outstanding performance in the Mathematical Science project.

Exceptional Contribution (£100). Awarded to the student who contributed exceptionally above and beyond even that which would merit a Dean's commendation.

Physics and Astronomy

Bertie Black Prize (£250 and Certificate). Awarded to the student with the most outstanding academic performance.

Newman Prize (£125 and Certificate). Awarded to the finalist who submits the most outstanding project in terms of the ingenuity and intuition shown.

Physics Award (£25). Awarded to the top three students in each year based on the stage average scores (excluding the Bertie Black Prize winner). 

GP Srivastava Prize (£125 and Certificate). Awarded to the finalist who submits the most outstanding theoretical physics project (excluding the project of the Newman Prize winner).


Angela and Tony Colmer Prize (£100). Outstanding Fieldwork in Local Archaeology. 

Bertie Black Prize in Archaeology (£250). Awarded to the student of Archaeology with the most outstanding academic performance.

Lady Aileen Fox Prize in Archaeology (£250). Awarded to the student with the best finalist dissertation in Archaeology.

Art History and Visual Culture

Art History and Visual Culture Prize (£100). Awarded to the student with the most outstanding academic performance.

Ronald Duncan Prize (£250). Awarded to the student (or students) with the most outstanding AHVC Dissertation.

Classics, Ancient History, Religion and Theology

Bertie Black Prize (£200). Awarded to the student of Classics and Ancient History with the most outstanding academic performance.

Robin Mathewson Prize (£150). Awarded to students of Classics with outstanding academic performance.

Classics Dissertation Prize (£100). Awarded to the student (or students) for the best final year dissertation.

EH Boundy Prize in Theology (£100). To be awarded to students of Theology. Best Finalist Dissertation. 

St Luke's Foundation Prize (Certificate in Theology) (£200). Awarded to the student with the most outstanding academic performance in Theology.

Communications, Drama and Film

Bertie Black Prize (£250). Awarded to two students of Drama with the most outstanding academic performance.

Drama Dissertation Prize (£100). Awarded to the student (or students) for the best final year dissertation.

Cymbeline Prize (£1000). Awarded to the drama student/s at any level enrolled on a Drama programme who submit a successful project proposal (750 words maximum) to stage either a play that is in the public domain (ie. a play for which it is not necessary to secure performance rights) or a newly devised work that does not require permission from copyright-holders, the proposal to the project to be staged along with an artistic vision and rationale for the project. 

Cymbeline Bursary (£3000). Summer internship at The O’Neill Theatre Center, CT, USA awarded to year 2 or year 3 UG students on any drama programme who demonstrate commitment, determination, and service to the Drama department over the years / best representative of the department. Students apply and are selected on the basis of a clear sense of how and what they will learn from the experience and how they will take it forward.

Christopher McCullough Prize (£500). Awarded to a finalist undergraduate Drama student who has ‘made a difference’ in the department, University or wider community.

English and Creative Writing

Gamini Salgado Prize (£50). Awarded for the undergraduate dissertation that best communicates the qualities of imagination and intellectual flair.

The Paddon Award: Best Undergraduate Creative Writing in Any Form (£250 first prize, £150 second prize, £100 third prize). Awarded to the final year undergraduate Creative Writing students submitting outstanding and original creative work as part of their dissertation module.

The Paddon Award: Best Postgraduate Creative Writing in Any Form (£300 first prize, £250 second prize). Awarded to the any postgraduate Creative Writing students submitting outstanding and original creative work.

The Zara Malone Memorial Prize (£50). Awarded for the best undergraduate performance in a Creative Writing module at level III (excluding dissertation).

A. A. Bromham Prize (£50). Awarded for the best undergraduate performance in a final essay or research project on a Renaissance/Early Modern module at level III (excluding dissertation).

The Charlotte Deadman Prize (£100). Awarded annually to a MA Dissertation (or equivalent project) demonstrating striking and unusual creativity.  Eligible dissertations/projects may come from any of the departmental MA Programmes  (Creative Writing, English, Publishing etc): the only criterion is that nominated projects should display a high degree of creative flair.  This might relate to the manner in which research is conducted and presented, or to a particularly imaginative approach, or to prose or poetic style.  

Film Studies

The Paddon Award: Best Undergraduate Piece of Creative Filmmaking (£250 first prize, £150 second prize, £100 third prize). Awarded to any Film Studies student submitting original creative work as part of their academic course modules.

Flexible Combined Honours

Flexible Combined Honours Prize (£50 BA and £50 BSc). Awarded to a final year Flexible Combined Honours student for academic excellence. 

Graduate School of Education 

St Luke's Foundation Prize (£200). Awarded annually to an outstanding trainee on the Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Religious Education course. 

Ted Wragg Awards for Outstanding PGCE Trainees (£500). Awarded annually to PGCE trainees, judged on their year as a trainee when they have not only proved they will make outstanding teachers, but helped others to become the same.

HaSS Cornwall

Best Study Abroad Result (£100). Awarded to the student with the best study abroad results across the HaSS-Cornwall Department 

Best Overall Languages Result (£100). Awarded to the student with the best language results in Cornwall.  

Best Placement Year Result (£100). Awarded to the HaSS Cornwall student who has completed a Placement Year during Year 3 and achieved the highest mark in their assessment for the module HAP3906.   

HaSS Cornwall - History

History and IR (Combined Honours) (£100). Awarded to the student with the best History and IR (Combined Honours) result across the HaSS-Cornwall Department.

History (£100) Awarded to the student with the best History result across the HaSS-Cornwall Department.

History and Politics (Combined Honours) Prize (£100). Awarded to the student with the most outstanding academic performance in History and Politics (Combined Honours).

Penryn History Dissertation Prize (£100). Awarded to the final year undergraduate student of History with the most innovative and academically rigorous dissertation.

Penryn Essay Prize (£100). Awarded to the final year undergraduate student with the most exciting writing in History, Penryn campus.


Bertie Black Prize (£250). Awarded to the student of History with the most outstanding academic performance.

Bertram Wolffe Prize (£50). Awarded to the finalist with the best set of marks in Medieval/Renaissance Studies.

Bruce Coleman Prize for Modern History (£150). Awarded to the finalist with the best academic performance (with reference to Modern History). 

Dissertation Prize (£50). Awarded to the student of History with the best dissertation.

History and Politics (Combined Honours) Prize (£60). Awarded for the best overall performance of a History and Politics (Combined Honours) student.

Jean Henderson Prize for European History (£50). Awarded to the finalist with the best academic performance in European History.

William Appleyard Prize (£80). Awarded annually to the finalist with the best academic performance in Economic and Social History.

The History Department Prize for World History (£100). Awarded annually in early September for the best final-year work on any of the following topics: the history of South America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, or southern, eastern, or south-eastern Asia during any period; precolonial or indigenous histories of North America or Australasia; the history of Empire and colonialism

Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Alexandria Poetry Recitation Competition (£300). Awarded to the best student/s reciting poetry in Arabic in front of peers and panel of staff members. 

Batten-Pattar Essay Prize for History and Politics - Level 2 (£100). Awarded annually to an IAIS year 2 student for best essay in a History or Politics module offered by IAIS.

Batten-Pattar Essay Prize for History and Politics - Level 3 (£100). Awarded annually to an IAIS year 3 student for best essay in a History or Politics module offered by IAIS.

Glencairn Balfour-Paul Prize for the best MA Dissertation (£150). Awarded to the student presenting the best Dissertation on an MA programme. 

Howard Feurtado Prize (£50). Awarded to a final year student in an IAIS programme for the best dissertation. 

Tom Fattorini Prize (£150 and Commemorative Plate). Awarded to the student with best performance in a BA programme.

Tom Fattorini Prize (£150 and Commemorative Plate). Awarded to the student with best performance in an MA programme. 

Year Abroad Photography Prize (£325). Awarded annually to IAIS undergraduate student/s completing the year abroad.

Alexandria Poetry Recitation Competition - Year 1 (£50). Awarded to the best year 1 student/s reciting poetry in Arabic in front of peers and panel of staff members.


The Slaughter and May Contract Law Prize (£150) awarded to the LLB student with the highest overall mark in the Contract Law module (LAW1004) - Sponsored by Slaughter & May

The HRLA Constitutional and Administrative Law Prize (£75) awarded to the LLB student with the highest overall mark in the Constitutional and Administrative Law module (LAW1035)

The KBG Chambers Criminal Law Prize (£75) awarded to the LLB student with the highest overall mark in the Criminal Law module (LAW1003) - Sponsored by KBG Chambers

The A4ID Legal Foundations Prize (£75) awarded to the LLB student with the highest overall mark in the Legal Foundations module (LAW1036)

DLA Piper European Law Prize (£50)  awarded annually to the first year LLB Law with European Study student with the highest average mark over the course of their first year of study

Edward Elgar Publishing Prize - Year One Achievement Prize (£120 in book vouchers) awarded to the LLB student with the highest overall average in the first year of the LLB degree programme

Oxford University Press Victoria Williams Memorial Prize (£150 in book vouchers) awarded to the most promising first year female of potential

Stowe Family Law Prize (£100 or 5 days work experience at a Stowe firm (any location)) for the student with the highest average mark in the Family Law module

Land Law Prize (£75) awarded annually to the second-year undergraduate student with the best performance in Land Law (LAW2017)

Equity and Trusts Prize (£75) awarded to the second-year undergraduate student with the best performance in Equity and Trusts (LAW2041)

EU Law Prize (£75) awarded to the second-year undergraduate student with the best performance in EU Law (LAW2103)

Tozers Prize for Tort (£100) and a weeks work experience at Tozers awarded to the undergraduate second year student for exceptional performance in Tort (LAW2015); minimum achievement of 65% plus extracurricular activities

Oxford University Press Law Prize - Year Two Achievement Prize (£150 value in books published by Oxford University Press) awarded yearly to the student with the highest overall average in the second year of the LLB degree programme

Bloomsbury Publishing Prize - Year 1 Grad LLB Achievement Prize (£100 Voucher) awarded to the Graduate LLB student with the highest overall average in the first year of the Graduate LLB degree programme

Malcolm Mead Employment Law Prize (£125) awarded annually to the undergraduate student who achieves the best performance in Employment Law (LAW3026)

The IPAN Prize for Intellectual Property (£100 plus the opportunity for the winning student to meet the Board of IPAN) awarded annually to the third year LLB student with the highest overall average in LAW3028

Baker Prize for Company Law (£75) awarded to a UG student with the best performance in the Company Law module (LAW3043)

The Alexander Lofgren Prize (Home/International/Home or International) - (£600 / £600 / £300) - Three prizes awarded to individual LLB students (one home, one international and a runner up who can be either a home or international student) who can evidence the strongest contribution to pro bono culture. Students should complete an application form to self-nominate and a panel of Exeter Law School and Druces representatives will shortlist entries to decide on the winning applications. This prize is sponsored by Druces in memory of Alexander Lofgren, an alumnus of the University of Exeter Law School

Ashurst Prize (£250) awarded to the best overall LLB student, minimum achievement of 65% combined with excellent extracurricular non-academic achievements

The Manan Shah Memorial Prize (International) (£500) awarded to international student who can evidence strong contribution to community volunteering / pro bono / charity work. This prize is funded by the Shah family in memory of Manan Shah, an alumnus of the University of Exeter Law School

PGT Dissertation Prize (£200) awarded to the PGT student with the highest mark in the PGT Dissertation (LAWM640)

Peter English Dissertation Prize (£200) awarded to two students LLB students with the highest marks in the dissertation module

Franco-British Lawyers Society Prize (£200) awarded to the final year LLB student with the highest overall average in the LLB English Law and French Law/ Master 1 degree programme

Liberal Arts

Liberal Arts Prize (£100). Awarded to the student with the most outstanding academic performance.

Modern Languages

Bertie Black Prize (£250). Awarded to the finalist of Italian with the most outstanding academic performance.

Keith Dickson Prize (£190). Awarded to a student of German with the most outstanding performance in language & content modules (first year).

Keith Whinnom Prize (£150). Awarded to the second year student with best overall marks for Hispanic Studies (Language and Profile).

Robert Niklaus Bursary (£200). Awarded to the student with the best performance in an 18th Century French module (second year).

Roger Cockrell Prize (£100 x 2). Awarded to two students of Russian with the most outstanding performance in language and content modules from any year of study.

Modern Languages Essay Prize (£50 x 2). Awarded to two students for the best final year dissertation, one each from modules SML3105 and SML3030.

Rob Shepherd Memorial Prize (£150). Awarded to the final year student with good all round performance 2:1 or above and the best contribution to the French department.

Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology

Goldsmith Prize (£50 x 2). Awarded to a student of Politics who has made a significant contribution to the Politics Department. A prize for a student in Penryn and a student in Streatham.

International Relations Prize (£100 x 2). Awarded to the student with the highest average mark in either POL1017 or POL1018. A prize for a student in Penryn and a student in Streatham.

Victor Wiseman Politics Prize (£100 x 2). To be awarded to the undergraduate finalist with the best degree result in Politics. A prize for a student in Penryn and a student in Streatham.

Anthropology Prize (£50). To be awarded to the Anthropology final year student with the best overall academic achievement. 

Barry Turner Memorial Prize (£50). Awarded to the final year student of Sociology with the best academic performance.

William Kingdon Clifford Prize (£50). Awarded to the final year student of Philosophy who has achieved outstanding academic work.

Applied Anthrozoology Prize (£50). Awarded to any student registered on the MA Anthrozoology programme.

Criminology Prize (£50). Awarded to the final year Criminology student with the best overall academic achievement.

Social Research Prize (£100). Best overall academic performance, MRes Social Research programme.   

Society and Culture Prize (£100).  Best overall academic performance, PGT Philosophy programmes.

Philosophy Prize (£100).  Best overall academic performance, PGT Philosophy programmes.

Food Studies Prize (£100).  Best dissertation mark on the MA Food Studies programme.

Anthrozoology Prize (£100).  Dissertation that makes the biggest contribution to animal welfare.

PGT Politics Prize (£100).  Best academic performance, PGT Politics programmes.

Strategy and Security 

Academic Director's Prize for Contribution to the MA Applied Security Strategy (£50). The SSI Academic Director's prize awarded to the student for the most commendable contribution to the MA Applied Security Strategy.

Director's Prize for Best Analysis of a current global crisis (£50). Awarded to any MStrat student in year. The SSI Director's Prize for best analysis of a current global crisis.




Biosciences Top Performing Year 1 Prize (£50). Awarded to the year one student with the top performance in Biological and Medicinal Chemistry. 

Biosciences Top Performing Year 1 Prize (£50). Awarded to the year one student with the top performance in Biochemistry. 

Biosciences Top Performing Year 2 Prize (£50). Awarded to the year two student with the top performance in Biochemistry. 

Biosciences Project Prize (£100). Awarded to the student with the best Molecular project. 

Biosciences Greatest Improvement Prize (£50). Awarded to the student with the greatest improvement between stages 2 and 3. 

Sally Poynton Prize (£500). Awarded to the final year student who contributed most to the Centre for Ecology and Conservation student community. 

Clare Nunn Year 1 Prize (£30). Awarded to the student with excellent performance in year one.

Clare Nunn Year 2 Prize (£50). Awarded to the student with excellent performance in year two.

Clare Nunn Finalist Prize (£80). Awarded to the best final year student.

Clare Nunn Travel Award Prize. May be awarded to students who apply for assistance in funding travel in connection with scholarly or academic projects.

Henderson Ross Prize (£125). Awarded to the final year student with the best performance in the Biological and Medicinal Chemistry programme.

Henry Norman Rydon Prize (£100). Awarded to the second year student with the best performance in the Biological and Medicinal Chemistry programme. 

J L Sager Prize (£20.00). Awarded to the student with the best first year performance in Biosciences.

Pye Unicam Prize (£50). An annual prize awarded to the finalist with exceptional results. 

Microbiology Society Prize (Free Membership). Awarded to the second year student with the best performance in Microbiology. 

Royal Society of Biology Top Student Prize (Free Membership). Awarded to the student who has achieved the highest percentage in his/her Biosciences degree. 

Special Biosciences Prize (£80). Awarded to the student for achieving first class marks throughout their degree programme.

Student Conference Prize (£25). Awarded to the student for the best theme in Microbes and Disease/ Computational and Theoretical.

Student Conference Prize (£25). Awarded to the student for the best theme in Molecular Biology/ Cell Biology.

Student Conference Prize (£25). Awarded to the student for the best theme in Biological Chemistry.

Student Conference Prize (£25). Awarded to the student for the best theme in Environment and Evolution.

Student Conference Prize (£25). Awarded to the student for the best theme in Plant Molecular Biology.

Student Conference Prize (£50). Awarded to the student with the best oral performance.

Student Conference Prize (£25). Awarded to the student for the best Science Communication.

William H Fraser Prize (£100). Awarded annually to the undergraduate student who submits the most outstanding environmental biology/ whole organism project at the end of the third year. 

Biochemistry Prize (£50). Awarded to outstanding graduate in Biochemistry.

Biosciences Top Performing Student from the Medical School Prize (£50). Awarded to the top graduating student from the Medical School taking an intercalating year. 

MRes Medical Mycology and Fungal Immunology Top Student Prize (£75). Awarded annually to the top student for Excellence in Medical Mycology.

Biosciences Penryn

ACWM Prize (£100 Amazon Voucher). Awarded to the final year student with the highest overall average mark.

Oxford University Press Achievement in Biosciences Prize (£150 of OUP Biosciences Books). Awarded to the most improved final year Biosciences student.

Royal Society of Biology Prize (Certificate and One Years Associate Membership of RSB). Awarded to the final year student with the highest overall mark.

Top Project Prize (£100 Amazon Voucher). Awarded to the student with the highest third year Biosciences project mark. One prize per Biosciences programme including MSci.

Zoological Society London Charles Darwin Award and Marsh Prize (£800 and Certificate). This is a national prize for zoological research projects; the student with the highest project mark is nominated.


BPS Prize (Book, Certificate and One Years Graduate Membership of the British Psychological Society). Awarded to the most outstanding student on the BSc programme.

Leslie Reid Prize in Psychology (£50). Awarded annually to buy books or other teaching materials within the field of Psychology - in recognition of academic achievement in undergraduate honours programme in Psychology. Each student should be considered only once for the award, normally at the end of the penultimate year of his/her Honours or Combined Honours programme. It is preferably given to one student and not shared. 

MSc in Animal Behaviour Prize (£50). Awarded to the student with the best academic performance on this programme.

MSc Psychological Research Methods Prize (£50). Awarded to the student with the best academic performance on this programme.

MSc in Social and Organisational Psychology Prize (£50). Awarded to the student with the best academic performance on this programme.


Medical Imaging

Society of Radiographers Prize (Free Membership x 3). Awarded to students who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the profession of Radiography and a case for how membership of the Society of Radiographers will be of benefit to them in their future as Radiographers.

Medical Imaging Prize (£25 x 9). Awarded to the top three students in each year with the highest marks above 70% as confirmed by the Medical Imaging PAPAC.

Clinical Performance Prize (£50 x 3 and Certificate). Awarded to the student from each stage who demonstrates the highest level of clinical performance.

Clinical Professionalism Prize (£50 x 3 and Certificate). Awarded to the student from each stage who demonstrates the highest level of professional conduct during clinical placement.

Outstanding Patient Care Prize (£50 x 3 and Certificate). Awarded to the student from each stage who demonstrates the best engagement with the principles of outstanding patient care during placement.

Rothband Innovation Prize (Engraved Glass Award). Awarded to the third year Medical Imaging Student for the most innovative/ clinically relevant student project as confirmed by the Medical Imaging PAPAC.

Dr Chris Wright Award for Image Interpretation (£500). Awarded to the final year undergraduate radiography student with the highest average mark of the 4 image interpretation summative assessments.


MSci Nursing Student Award for most academic progress (Certificate and Book). Awarded to the stage 4 MSci Nursing student who has made the most academic progress between stage 1 and stage 4 of the programme, as confirmed by the board of examiners.

MSci Nursing Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement (Certificate and Book). Awarded to the stage 4 MSci Nursing student who is the highest scoring student (averaged across the 4 stages) as confirmed by the board of examiners.

MSci Nursing award for outstanding reflection on clinical experience (Certificate and Book). Awarded to the stage 4 MSci Nursing student with outstanding written reflection on clinical practice, which is included in the Practice Assessment Document (PAD) from stage 3-4.

Best application of innovative research to practice by a MSci nursing student (Certificate and Book). Awarded to the stage 4 MSci Nursing student with the best undergraduate nursing student contribution to innovative research for example, via a conference presentation, or co-authorship of paper or an assignment such as a service improvement project.

MSci Nursing student award for outstanding ethical leadership (Certificate and Book). Awarded to a stage 4 MSci Nursing student.The prize requires an application. A 200-word statement, with substantiating evidence in support of one of the NMC (2018) The Code domains: Prioritise people; Practise effectively; Preserve safety; Promote Professionalism and Trust. Substantiating evidence may include extracts from student Practice Assessment Document, feedback from academic staff, feedback from practice supervisors or practice assessors. Applicants should also identify one referee who can be approached confidentiality to provide a reference in support of the application.

Best Contribution to Scholarship by an MSci nursing student (Certificate and Book). Awarded to the stage 4 MSci Nursing student who has made the best undergraduate student contribution to nursing scholarship. Students wishing to be considered for this prize are asked to submit their best piece of scholarship. Criteria is exceptional ability in scholarly writing. [Could include, but is not limited to, scholarly writing for a research project, a contribution to an education journal, academic essay or a poster]. The paper must be submitted by the end of April of the students’ final year. The submission will be assessed by a joint nursing and Patient Public Involvement panel. Deadline for applications is the end of April of the final year.

MSci Nursing Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Award (Commissioned Dartington Crystal Vase). Awarded to the Stage 4 MSci nursing student who presents a Service Improvement Innovation as part of the Leading and Managing Change in Nursing Module judged by the Academy of Nursing Patent and Public Involvement Group to have the greatest potential to positively impact patient care.


Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (BMBS) 

Dr Catherine Masterman Bursary (£5000 (£2000 in Year One, and £1000 for Years Two, Three and Four) one student recipient per year). The Dr Catherine Masterman Bursary is available to an incoming BMBS student who can demonstrate; sustained academic excellence; sustained beneficial input into their local community; active involvement and leadership in activities at school such as sport and societies; financial disadvantage (household income of less than £26,000); and who is a resident of Devon or Cornwall.

AMK Best Overall Score Prize (£50 plus Certificate).  Awarded to the year one BMBS student who achieves the highest accumulated score in the year one AMK summative examinations, including the end of year examination.

AMK Best Overall Score Prize (£50 plus Certificate). Awarded to the year two BMBS student who achieves the highest accumulated score in the year two AMKs.

AMK Best Overall Score Prize (£50 plus Certificate). Awarded to the year three BMBS student who achieves the highest accumulated score in the year three AMKs.

AMK Best Overall Score Prize (£50 plus Certificate). Awarded to the year four BMBS student who achieves the highest accumulated score in the year four AMKs.

AMK Best Overall Score Prize (£50 plus Certificate). Awarded to the year five BMBS student who achieves the highest accumulated score in the year five AMKs.

OSCE Best Overall Score Prize (£50 plus Certificate). Awarded to the year two BMBS student who achieves the highest accumulated score across all year two OSCE stations.

OSCE Best Overall Score Prize (£50 plus Certificate). Awarded to the year four BMBS student who achieves the highest accumulated score across all year four OSCE stations.

SSC Best Overall Score Prize (£50 x 4 plus Certificate). Awarded to the BMBS student at each stage who achieves the highest accumulated score across all the stage SSUs.

Duchy Health Prize (£500 plus Certificate). Awarded to the third year BMBS student studying in Cornwall achieving the highest grades across all summative assessments during the third year of the programme.

Paul Lock Memorial Prize in Paediatrics (£50 Amazon Voucher plus Certificate). Awarded to those BMBS students who might already have thoughts of a career in paediatrics, to encourage all students to give serious thought to a career in paediatrics and to help highlight the special medical and cross generational inter-personal skills likely to be key to a successful career in paediatrics.

Paul Lock Clinical Academic Prize in Paediatrics (£50 Amazon Voucher plus Certificate). Awarded to a BMBS student who has had a successful publication in the domain of research or education and how this involvement in the publication may influence their future career, particularly considering paediatrics.

Peter Thursby Memorial Prize (£100 plus Certificate). Awarded to the BMBS student that best demonstrates a report and reflective piece that are derived from dementia work they have completed as part of their clinical attachments or special study units.

Dr Grant Neumegen Prize (£25 plus Certificate). Awarded to the BMBS student who best produces a patient friendly resource to improve patient care following minor surgery or the diagnosis of serious skin conditions.

Elective Photo Prize Year Five BMBS (£100 1st prize, £50 2nd prize plus Certificate). One photo to be submitted per student from their Elective placement.

Newquay Health Centre Sporting Achievement Prize (£150 plus Certificate). Awarded to the year five BMBS student that best demonstrates a reflective piece of writing to explain what outstanding personal achievement they have made and how this has affected them.

Dr Ken MacLeod Memorial Prize for Professionalism (£100 x 5 plus Certificate). Awarded to the BMBS student from each stage who demonstrates the highest level of exceptional professional behaviour during the academic year.

BSc Medical Sciences

Dr Christopher Giles Rowland Bursary (£1,500 per year, to be reassessed every 4 years). Awarded each year to one BSc Medical Sciences student opting to take a Professional Training Year linked to oncology.

Special Commendation for Reflective Practice and Professionalism (BSc Medical Sciences) (Certificate). A Special Commendation Certificate (Reflective Practice and Professionalism) is awarded to students in each year of the BSc Medical Sciences programme based on performance in the portfolio reflection and a professionalism assessment by individual personal tutors. 

Special Commendation for Scientific Research and Communication (BSc Medical Sciences) (Certificate). A Special Commendation Certificate is awarded to students in years one (one prize), two (two prizes) and final (two prizes) based on the best overall scientific essays and presentation scores obtained through the current year in all UEMS modules. 

BSc Medical Sciences Year One Prize (£50 plus Certificate). Awarded to the year one BSc Medical Sciences student who achieves the highest overall mean score in all the first year modules. 

BSc Medical Sciences Year Two Prize (£50 plus Certificate). Awarded to the year two BSc Medical Sciences student who achieves the highest overall mean score in all the second year modules. 

PTY Prize (£50 plus Certificate). Awarded to the PTY BSc Medical Sciences student who achieves the highest overall mean score within their year group.

Final Year Prize (£50 plus Certificate). Awarded to the final year BSc Medical Sciences student who achieves the highest overall mean score in all the final year modules.

BSc Medical Sciences Employability Award (Certificate). Awarded to the year one student who has been judged to have submitted the best overall job application as part of the CSC1004 core module.

BSc Sport and Exercise Medical Science Year Prize (for each year, £50 plus Certificate). Awarded in every year to the student with the highest overall mean score in all the year’s modules.

BSc Sport and Exercise Medical Science Special Commendation for Reflective Practice & Professionalism (Certificate). Awarded to students in each year of the BSc Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences Programme based on their performance in the professionalism award assessment and a recommendation by their Academic Tutor.

BSc Sport and Exercise Medical Science Special Commendation for Scientific Research and Communication (Certificate).  Awarded to students in each year of the BSc Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences Programme based on an exceptional level of attendance, engagement and commitment to personal, academic and/or professional development and/or other contributions to the Faculty or student support.  Nominations to be made by Academic Tutor.

BSc Neuroscience Year Prize (for each year, £50 plus Certificate). Awarded in every year to the student with the highest overall mean score in all the year’s modules.

BSc Neuroscience Special Commendation for Reflective Practice & Professionalism (Certificate). Awarded to students in each year of the BSc Neuroscience Programme based on their performance in the professionalism award assessment and a recommendation by their Academic Tutor or PTY supervisor.

Medicine and Health Faculty-wide 

Cross Faculty Citizenship Prize (£250 x 9 plus Certificate). Awarded to a student from each programme, BMBS, BSC Medical Sciences and BSc Medical Imaging; one in each of the following categories: Extra Curricular, Charitable Work and Community. Awarded to those students making a positive contribution to their communities over and above their academic work.

Peer Mentor Champions (£50 plus Certificate). Awarded to Peer Mentor Champions in the Medical Sciences PAL Programme, Peer Mentoring for Mature Students Programme and Medical Imaging Peer Support Programme who have demonstrated outstanding peer support as part of Peer Support Programme within the College of Medicine and Health throughout the academic year.

de Freitas Conference Bursary (up to 2 awards of maximum £1,000 each per year – award to the value of conference fees and associated travel and subsistence expenses). Awarded to current MSc in Environment and Human Health students or those submitting dissertation up to 12 months previously to participate in or present at a conference or workshop relevant to their studies. Awarded by application to a student that can demonstrate relevance of the activity for the MSc programme aims; benefit of attendance for the student and their studies and/or future related work; good performance in assessments to date; (optionally) presentation at the conference, whether planned, submitted or accepted.

Master of Public Health Assessment Prize (Certificate). Awarded to the graduating student with the highest overall mean score across the MSc Master of Public Health programme.

MSc Advanced Clinical Practice Assessment Prize (Certificate). Awarded to the graduating student with the highest overall mean score across the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice programme.

MSc Clinical Education Assessment Prize (Certificate). Awarded to the graduating student with the highest overall mean score across the MSc Clinical Education programme.

MSc Clinical Pharmacy Assessment Prize (Certificate). Awarded to the graduating student with the highest overall mean score across the MSc Clinical Pharmacy programme.

MSc Environment and Human Health Assessment Prize (Certificate). Awarded to the graduating student with the highest overall mean score across the MSc Environment and Human Health programme.

MSc Extreme Medicine Assessment Prize (Certificate). Awarded to the graduating student with the highest overall mean score across the MSc Extreme Medicine programme.

MSc Genomic Medicine Assessment Prize (Certificate). Awarded to the graduating student with the highest overall mean score across the MSc Genomic Medicine programme.

MSc Health Data Science Assessment Prize (Certificate). Awarded to the graduating student with the highest overall mean score across the MSc Health Data Science programme.

MSc Health Research Methods Assessment Prize (Certificate). Awarded to the graduating student with the highest overall mean score across the MSc Health Research Methods programme.

MSc Healthcare Leadership and Management Assessment Prize (Certificate). Awarded to the graduating student with the highest overall mean score across the MSc Healthcare Leadership and Management programme.

Practice Certificate in Independent and Supplementary Prescribing Assessment Prize (Certificate). Awarded to the graduating student with the highest overall mean score across the MSc Practice Certificate in Independent and Supplementary Prescribing programme.

The Business School

Brown, Shipley & Co Ltd Prize (£100). Awarded annually to the best student on the MSc in Finance and Investment programme 9 month version.

David Walker Prize (£250 x 3). Awarded for an outstanding second year student in each of the three disciplines of Economics, Management, and Accounting. 

Exeter Investment Group Prize (£100 x 5). Awarded to the best students on each of the five MA finance progammes ie. Accounting and Finance, Finance and Investment, Finance and Management, Financial Analysis and Fund Management, and Marketing and Financial Services.

Ken Penney Memorial Prize (£50). Awarded annually to the undergraduate student with the best performance in BEE2025 Microeconomics II module.

Philip Norman Memorial Prize (£250). Awarded to the student on the MSc Economics programme with an outstanding dissertation. 

Exeter Chamber of Commerce Prize (£100). Awarded to the best performing student on BUS2002 Business Experience module.

Thomas Moore Adam Smith Prize (£200). Awarded to the best performing undergraduate final year student in Economics and Politics.

Jenny Wren Prize (Certificate). Awarded at the July graduation ceremony.

Department Undergraduate Merit Prizes (£100 x 3) Awarded to the best performing final year student in each discipline.

Department Postgraduate Merit Prizes (£100 x 3) Awarded to the best performing final year student in each discipline.

Association for Tourism in Higher Education (ATHE) Prize (Certificate). Awarded to the best student on the MSC ITM programme.

Jim Marks Prize (£100). Awarded to the student with the best improvement between Year 2 and Final Year in Accounting undergraduate programmes, in memory of Jim Marks’ passion to help students to recognise their improvement or resilience.

MBA Director's Sustainability Prize (£1000).  Awarded to the student displaying the most consistent regard for sustainability and environmental responsibility through the MBA programme

University of Exeter in Cornwall

Sir Geoffrey Holland Memorial Prize (£1,000). Awarded to final year undergraduate, postgraduate taught or postgraduate research students based at the University of Exeter in Cornwall to celebrate academic excellence within a field related to Cornwall in some way eg. Cornish literature, history, politics, ecology, etc.

The Carolyn and Andrew Trevorrow Memorial Fund (£2,000). Awarded to University of Exeter in Cornwall students to support field work pieces. Priority will be given to students in receipt of full remission of their fees and of Cornish ancestry.


Alexandria Poetry Recitation Prize (£300). Endowed by Justin Goad, 1989 graduate in Arabic and Islamic Studies, to encourage an interest in Arab poetry. Awarded to the best student/s reciting poetry in Arabic in front of peers and panel of staff members.

Alexandria Poetry Recitation Competition - Year 1 (£50). Awarded to the best year 1 student/s reciting poetry in Arabic in front of peers and panel of staff members.

Ballard Prize (£20). An English Essay Competition open to all students of the University during their University career and for one year immediately after. The subject for essays, which normally should not exceed 5,000 words, is announced a year in advance. Articles in Exeter University student journals are eligible for entry.

Dufton Music Prize (£10). Awarded for Choral Singing by competition among the Halls.

Gladys Hunkin Poetry Prize (£65). Awarded annually for an original poem or poems in English on the result of a competition open to all registered students of the University. Each entry may comprise up to six poems, which should not have been previously published and must be submitted in typescript and in a suitable folder by the last day of the Spring Term.

Maxwell Adams Prize (£50). Awarded annually by the Devonshire Association for an essay of not more than 10,000 words by a student, or by a graduate of not more than five years standing in institutions of higher education in the County of Devon or (being resident in Devon) of the Open University, within one of the following fields: Archaeology, Botany, Economic History, Economics, Geography, Geology, History, Literature, Politics, Sociology or Zoology, with special reference to Devon.

Wyn Evans Prize (£100). An annual award, to be spent on books or other learning materials, in support of a registered disabled undergraduate student from any discipline at the end of the first year of study, on the basis of academic promise.

The Dean of PGR’s Commendation for PGR Academic Citizenship (Certificate).  Demonstrable excellence in PGR academic citizenship in contributing to PGR research culture, environment and community.