Meaningful Change Measurement

Meaningful change measurement

Meaningful change measurement


  • Successful change initiatives – the ones that deliver tangible value – tend to focus, early and consistently, on metrics that matter.
  • These processes measure and track the change progress to ensure that the business benefits outlined in the business case are realised.  Benefits realisation takes place after the delivery of the change and must be baselined, planned, owned and measured.
  • We need to track the progress of our change initiative and make adjustments to our approach if necessary.  We also need to ensure we are clear about the transition into ’business as usual’ and have captured and mitigated all the risks.
  • We want to celebrate our successes and learn from our mistakes.  Having a review at the end of our change initiative allows us to reflect on what went well and what we would do differently next time.

Key Change Questions: 

  • How will be monitor our progress through the change initiative – can we identify ‘quick wins’ that will help demonstrate the value of our change, allow us to celebrate success and plan for the next steps in the process?
  • What is the best way to track, report and realise the benefits agreed for the change initiative?


18. Change Measurement

  • Document initiative-specific change metrics
  • Develop measurement tools to collect data, analyse results and take corrective action where necessary

19. Business Readiness

  • Determine whether the organisation is ready to transition to the future state
  • Ensure transition arrangements are complete and establish Go / No Go criteria and checklist

20. Benefits Realisation

  • Identify benefits
  • Establish benefit measures, owners and targets
  • Monitor performance
  • Evaluate the benefits realised