Benefits and risks

Change Measurement    
  • Document specific change metrics for the initiative
  • •Develop methods for measuring change, identifying baselines and targets, collecting data and taking corrective action where necessary
  • •Provides key management information about where the change initiative is and isn’t on track, allows early action to be taken to minimise transition risk
  • See the value chain linking interventions, transition and realisation of business benefits
  • No quantified data measuring change progress
  • Management lack key risk management mechanism
  • Corrective action may be too little, too late
Business Readiness    
  • Determine whether the organisation is ready to transition to the future state
  • Ensure transition arrangements are complete and establish ‘go / no-go’ criteria and checklists
  • Business readiness issues are identified and resolved well in advance of transition
  • Engages leadership, builds ownership and prepares the organisation for transition
  • Little or no evidence of readiness prior to go-live
  • Increased risk and costs associated with disruption to business as usual
Benefits Realisation    
  • Document benefits measures, owners baselines and targets
  • Document, how and when benefits will be realised and who is responsible for monitoring and managing benefits
  • Clear definition, ownership and expectation management of anticipated benefits
  • Clear mechanism for determining and communicating the success of the change initiative
  • No means of determining whether the change initiative has delivered the required return on investment (financial or non-financial)
  • No clear ownership of ongoing benefits