Shared change purpose

Shared change purpose

Shared change purpose


  • This is the core theme of the change framework  and its focus is on helping you create the business case and change strategy for your change initiative.  You will develop a compelling case for change which is consistent with a vision of the future business environment, and the implications for the future state of the University.
  • The processes in this theme will help provide clarity of thinking on the reasons for change and define measurable targets for the change initiative. There will be an  opportunity for collaboration with impacted staff and stakeholders so that the vision and strategy of the future state is a collective one. 
  • These process help to explore the current environment and understand the gap between the ‘as is’ and the desired future state.  A roadmap of the high-level steps to bridge this gap is one of the early deliverables which will then be developed into a full change management plan for the initiative.  You will also develop and share an understanding of the impacts of the change initiative on all affected staff and stakeholders.
  • The visioning activity shouldn't be undervalued as lightweight or unnecessary.  At some point in the future, as the change initiative progresses and we get into the detail, this reference point will provide invaluable in gaining understanding, buy-in and ownership.

Key Change Questions 

  • What are our challenges as a University and how do we want to respond to them? 
  • How can we adapt and develop to future-proof our services, structures, processes, technology and people?


1. Define Future State

  • Define a clear and compelling picture of the future organisation – ‘what change looks like’
  • Evaluate gap between current state (‘as is’) and the desired future (‘to be’), develop a high-level roadmap for change

2. Define Change Governance

  • Specify decision-making and accountability for the change initiative
  • Define roles and responsibilities

3. Change impact assessment

  • Capture people and organisational impacts arising from the changes being introduced

4. Develop the change strategy and business case

  • Describe the reasons for changing, what you want to achieve and how you will get there

5. Create change the management plan

  • Define the sequence of tasks, activities, deliverables and resources required to execute the change strategy

6.Lessons learned

  • Review change initiative management effectiveness
  • Review change initiative outcomes