Supportive organisation and culture

Supportive organisation and culture

Supportive organisation and culture


  • Almost all change initiatives will have some implication for the architecture of the organisation, from new roles and processes through to rolling out a new operating model.
  • These processes define the implications of the change initiative for the organisational structure and align the organisation to the future business processes.  They incorporate the HR processes for defining roles and structures and allows the implementation approach to be defined. 
  • Culture is the expression of our values – ‘the way we do things here’ and ensuring we understand how we need to behave in the future state is as important to success as the more tangible aspects of the change initiative.

Key Change Questions:

  • How should we organise ourselves – our structure, processes and systems – to support the changed way of working? 
  • What are the values, attitudes and behaviours we want to collectively embody?
  • How does our approach impact across the various protected characteristics?


14. Target Operating Model

  • Develop the future state vision into an operating model for the new ways of working

15. Organisation Design

  • Create the organisation design for the new ways of working and transition employees to new roles, jobs and teams

16. Culture Change Assessment

  • Define core values, cultural characteristics and individual behaviours required to deliver the change strategy
  • Key input into the behaviour change and change leadership development programmes

17. Behaviour Change Plan

  • Define specific behavioural changes to support the desired culture and overall objectives of the change initiative
  • Develop behaviour change scales, plan and implement behaviour change interventions