Visible change leadership

Visible change leadership

Visible change leadership


  • Communication is a central part of change management and the effective engagement with stakeholders is critical to the success of a change initiative.  These processes aim to ensure the right message is delivered by the right people at the right time and using the most appropriate method.  It is vital that we are clear about when we are informing people about the change and when we are actively seeking consultation and collaboration.
  • Smart stakeholder engagement and communication makes clear what is happening, what is expected, how to get involved and can remove obstacles to change.  Open, honest and timely communications are critical.

Key Change Questions:

  • Which individuals or groups have the ability to help or hinder the change initiative and what is the best way to identify, track and manage these relationships?


7. Develop Change Leaders

  • Leadership capability and capacity to inspire and steer the impacted teams through the period of change to achieve strategic objectives

8. Support Change Leaders

  • Change leadership is built through ongoing support, not as a one-off event or process, to ensure change leadership competencies and behaviours are embedded and effective throughout the change initiative (and sustained beyond this initiative)