Benefits and risks


Develop Change Leaders  

  • Leader capacity to inspire and steer the change initiative and achieve strategic objectives
  • Identify change leadership requirements, assess existing capability and address gaps through leadership action plans
  • Capacity and capability requirements of change leaders are identified and addressed
  • Change is visibly supported by leaders, stakeholders are more likely to embrace new ways of working and change initiative benefits are realised
  • Absence of effective direction, guidance and support for the change initiative, change team and impacted staff
  • Inability to move beyond the status quo

Support Change Leaders

  • Recognises that change leadership is not a one-time event or process – it must be fostered in order to flourish
  • Provide support to maintain individual change leader competencies and behaviours
  • Develop individual change leaderconfidence
  • Increase change leader ability toinspire stakeholder commitment tochange
  • Increased speed of adoption, changeinitiative benefits and return oninvestment
  • Visible disconnect between changeleadership words and actions (not‘walking the talk’)
  • High level of employee disengagement
  • Low levels of adoption and benefitsrealisation, wasted investment