Partnership and Collaboration Project

The University is part of a new Partnership and Collaboration project working alongside Devon County Council, Exeter City Council, and the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, to identify opportunities for short and long term mutual benefits. The aim of the project is to explore and progress cost savings through shared services, joint procurement activities, improved efficiencies, shared learning, skills and abilities, and to improve our partnership working overall.

A key part of this project is also to further the civic role of the organisations involved; helping to enhance the economic and social development of the region and ensuring that identified opportunities recognise and support positive impact on our communities. We have an opportunity to make a real difference to our local communities – working together to help them thrive; effecting positive social and economic change.

We are aligning our work with Exeter City Futures and supporting the University's sustainable travel plan and the declared Environment and Climate Emergency. 

A number of initial  initiatives have been identified so far across each organization which are outlined below. As the project progresses, more initiatives will be identified and updates will be provided here. 

Existing collaborations