Module Choice & Modularity
Module choice
Visit the programme specifications and module descriptor pages for vital information regarding the structure of your course. By familiarising yourself with your programme of study you will be able to make informed choices regarding where your programme allows options to be taken. The programme specification outlines the programme structure and defines the opportunities for choice. The detailed module descriptions allow you to assess and select the modules that really interest you.
Enhanced modularity
The University believes that allowing students the opportunity to study modules from outside their course or programme of study can be of great benefit both academically and in enhancing employment skills. Students may take up to 30 credits a year outside their main degree subjects, after they have met the compulsory requirements of their main subjects. These credits count towards the degree award and classification as usual, but will not change the title of the degree.
It is important to note that the academic content requirements of some programmes mean that it is not always possible to take credits from outside the programme in every year.
If you are interested in taking a module from outside your course or programme of study you should first discuss this with your academic tutor or programme leader. All module choice requests require the approval of your Department (and the Department offering the module) and should be fully justifiable on academic or career grounds.
If you believe that your Department has unfairly refused a module choice request you can appeal to the Dean of the Faculty. If you have any questions regarding module choice please speak to your Hub/Info Point.