Academic Lead for Student Support (Racial Equality and Inclusion)

Academic Lead for Student Support (Racial Equality and Inclusion)

Academic Lead for Student Support (Racial Equality and Inclusion)

Academic Lead for Student Support (Racial Equality and Inclusion)

The University of Exeter is committed to supporting students from all backgrounds to thrive and be successful in their chosen programmes. To do this we’re working hard to create a supportive and safe environment for students to raise concerns about any discriminatory experiences they may face during their time with us.

We have a number of colleagues who are Academic Leads for Student Support (Racial Equality and Inclusion). This role has been created to foster a safe and supportive environment for all students in their Departments.

Students should get in touch with their ALSS (REI) if they have any concerns or need support regarding experiences of racism, racial discrimination, or discrimination against any of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and Civil relationship
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

Each ALSS (REI) has received training and can offer a safe, confidential, and non-judgemental place to discuss issues, problems, and anxieties. They can signpost students to further support and information and share the options available to them, including how to report an incident formally to the University, should they wish to. The ALSS (REI) can also act as a liaison with students and other colleagues to help seek appropriate information and support.

Got a question? Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions.

Do get in touch with your Academic Lead for Student Support (Racial Equality and Inclusion) if you need to: 

Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy | Faculty of Health and Life Sciences | Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

<strong>Dr John T Bruun</strong>

Dr John T Bruun

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

I’m a Lecturer in Mathematics and specialise in Climate Dynamics and Data Analytics. Our University is a place where we welcome everyone’s voice and ideas. I’m also the departmental Academic Lead for Student Support (Racial Equality and Inclusion): ALSS (REI). In society at large we are confronting the issues around racial equality and how to empower even more inclusion.

My ALSS role is part of a University initiative to further support transforming the REI space for students. On this topic and if you personally encounter any issues you are welcome to contact me at any time and we can discuss 1-1. I’ll also generally be available in termly student-staff meetings

<strong>Dr Andrew Pye</strong>

Dr Andrew Pye

Department of Ecology and Conservation

Office hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 - 15:30

I am the Co-Director Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity for the Centre for Ecology and Conservation in Penryn. I am passionate about creating an inclusive environment where people can feel comfortable and valued being themselves.

I also lead pastural support for undergraduate students in my role as Undergraduate Senior Academic Tutor. As Lead Academic Tutor I have a strong focus on staff tutoring, peer tutoring and the undergraduate experience as a whole. I teach first and second year undergraduate modules and run research projects on microbiology and disease.

<strong>Dr Ana Neves</strong>

Dr Ana Neves

Department of Engineering (including Renewable Energy Engineering at Penryn)

I am committed to creating a supporting, safe environment for undergraduate and postgraduate taught students with protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil relationship, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation) in the Engineering Department. You can raise any issues related to your sense of belongingness at the University and share with me any concerns related to racism, racial discrimination and any other discrimination based on protected characteristics you might have experienced and seek support.

Please feel free to contact me to raise any concern or seek support with any issues related with Student Support, however minor you think they might be. All discussions will be in a safe, confidential, and non-judgemental environment where you can discuss any issues, problems and anxieties.

<strong>Dr Pablo Loren-Aguilar</strong>

Dr Pablo Loren-Aguilar

Department of Physics and Astronomy

I am a Senior Lecturer at the Astrophysics group, in the Physics Department.

I am currently Director of Education for the Physics and Astronomy degrees.

<strong>Dr Jingqi Qiu</strong>

Dr Jingqi Qiu

University of Exeter Business School

Office hours: Thursdays 10:00 -12:00 

As an academic lead for student support, I am always ready for taking care of students' well-being.

I will take every effort to support the campus with racial equality and inclusion.

<strong>Dr Rebecca Sandover</strong>

Dr Rebecca Sandover

Department of Geography

I’m a Human Geography lecturer who specialises in understanding the impacts of sustainable food networks. I believe in creating an inclusive environment at University and for every student to have the right to have their voices heard and experiences understood. I’ve been supporting the Decolonising the Curriculum process both in Geography and in the national Food Geographies Research Group (RGS-IBG). Understanding the world from a wide range of perspectives increases our abilities to address current challenges, such as inequality, climate change, economic crises etc.

I’m pleased to be able to support students in Geography and to increase an openness to exploring issues affecting students with protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil relationship, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation). If you personally encounter any issues you are welcome to contact me and we can discuss your experiences.

Aveen Hameed

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Senior Lecturer in Mining and Geological Education.

Dr Martha Omolo

University of Exeter Business School

Office Hours: Fridays 11:30 - 13:30 online via Teams.
MS Team: Omolo, Martha; 
Office location: Streatham Court 0.75

I’m passionate about contributing to the creation of an inclusive community where everyone feels they belong irrespective of our differences. In my role, I support students who have experienced incidences or any form of discrimination be it in or outside the classroom by providing a safe and confidential environment where students can talk privately about their concerns. I also liaise with other support teams in the University to do our best to create an inclusive learning environment where students from all backgrounds can achieve their full potential.

Department of Computer Science

If you would like to raise any concerns related to any discriminatory experiences, please contact the EDI team ( or Dr Vrinda Nayak (

Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

<strong>Ruth Flanagan</strong>

Ruth Flanagan

School of Education

Every year I support students with a range of concerns such as workload, placement challenges, accommodation, adapting to life in a new city, and occasionally unfortunately issues of racism.

It is an honour to work with students in this way: to listen, to provide support and to signpost to the range of support that is available. Please do not suffer in silence. If you have any concerns, contact me for support.

<strong>Dr Ryan Hanley</strong>

Dr Ryan Hanley

Department of Archaology and History

Office hours: Amory 233b, Mondays, 15.00 - 16.00, Thursdays, 11.30 - 12.30

Book an appointment.

I'm the ALSS (REI) for Archaeology and History. Alongside my academic work on Black British History, I have been working in the fields of student welfare, decolonising, and equalities activism for just over ten years now. I passionately believe that every student should be able to thrive and enjoy their time at Exeter, regardless of background.

I'm very happy to meet with any Archaeology or History students who are experiencing any issues related to diversity, equity, and social justice, whether that is just to have a supportive discussion or to think about next steps together. I'm here as an academic advocate to support you.

<strong>Dr Andrea Wallace</strong>

Dr Andrea Wallace

Law School

See my office hours.

I’m here to support you and advocate for change in ways that promote diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility and belonging. Your concerns might involve your workload, work/life balance, identity, or any way in which you are experiencing marginalisation at Exeter. I can offer a safe, confidential and non-judgmental space to discuss any issues, challenges or anxieties. Please reach out by email or book a time during my office hours.

<strong>Dr Nazneen Pathak</strong>

Dr Nazneen Pathak

Department of English and Creative Writing

You can book an office hour slot with me here on my Booking Page.

I’m your Academic Lead for Student Support, Racial Equality and Inclusion in the English and Creative Writing department – and my role relates to any protected characteristics – age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil relationship, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.

I’m here to enable the creation of a supportive, safe environment for undergraduate and postgraduate taught students with protected characteristics in the English and Creative Writing department.

I’m also here to as a point of contact for any issues you might have in relation to your sense of belonging in the department and/or at the University of Exeter and to share concerns related to racism, racial discrimination and any other discrimination based on protected characteristics you might experience, and direct you to the right avenues if you are wanting to report it and/or to seek support.

<strong>Dr Lennart Kruijer</strong>

Dr Lennart Kruijer

Department of Classics, Ancient History, Religion and Theology

I’m a Lecturer in Ancient Visual and Material culture, working on the archaeology of Hellenistic-period West Asia. As an academic lead, you can always contact me to discuss, in private, your experiences related to racial equality and inclusion. Do not hesitate in case you need support or simply need someone to talk to.

Dr Sabiha Allouche

Department of Arab and Islamic Studies

Lecturer in Middle East Politics

See Sabiha's staff profile

Dr Caleb Lee

Department of Communication, Drama and Film

Dr Janet Keliher

Humanities and Social Sciences, Penryn (Cornwall)


Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

<strong>OreOluwa (Debs) Onifade</strong>

OreOluwa (Debs) Onifade

Department of Health and Care Professions

Students are free to send email at any time and will be responded to as soon as possible.

I am a lecturer at the Academy of Nursing, University of Exeter, a mental health nurse among many other things. I transitioned into the United Kingdom in the year 2021. Currently, the Academic Lead for Student Support for Racial, Equality and Inclusion for the Faculty of HC&P. I work with any student who is experiencing marginalization to provide a safe, confidential, and non-judgemental place to discuss and address issues, problems, and anxieties.

I am passionate about mentoring and helping individuals to settle and feel comfortable in their skin.


<strong>Dr Safi Darden</strong>

Dr Safi Darden

Department of Psychology

I can be reached via e-mail, via direct message on Teams, during my office hours (book here), and any time my office door is open (WSL 124b) or you see me around campus.

I am a Senior Lecturer (E&R) in the Psychology Department and have been involved in EDI networks and committees in the department and across the University since joining UoE in 2009 as a postdoctoral researcher.

In my role as Academic Lead for Student Support (Racial Equality and Inclusion), I am committed to supporting students within the Psychology Department, and to particularly focus my wider activities on addressing challenges and barriers faced by those who are among the people who experience racism in our society. To me, this means working alongside students to celebrate student achievements, facilitate opportunities for networking and professional development, and tackle everyday and systemic barriers within and outside the department.

<strong>Dr Shalinee Dhayal</strong>

Dr Shalinee Dhayal

Department of Clinical Biomedical Sciences

I am a lecturer at the Medical School, teaching on undergraduate & postgraduate courses.

My role as the academic lead for student support (racial equality & inclusion) involves creating a supportive and safe environment for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught programme students, especially those with protected characteristics.

I am the point of contact for students who wish to raise any concern or seek support regarding any discrimination against protected characteristics that they may have experienced or witnessed. In this role, I am also committed to raising awareness on racial equality, diversity and inclusivity issues within the Departments and represent the Department at the Faculty and University level.

<strong>Dr Iveren Winifred (Winnie) Nyinoh</strong>

Dr Iveren Winifred (Winnie) Nyinoh

Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences (BMBS Programme, Devon Campuses)

My work days are Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays, 09:00 - 17:00.

Race Equality Resource Officer.

I joined the department of clinical and biomedical sciences at the University of Exeter Medical School (UEMS) as an Associate Lecturer in Medical Sciences in October 2022. Before joining UEMS, I lectured in the department of Biological Sciences at Benue State University, Nigeria. I completed a PhD in Microbial Sciences at the University of Surrey, investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying antibiotic synergy in mycobacteria. 

As the Race Equality Resource Officer (RERO), my main responsibility is to support and ensure the best interests of ethnic minority students on the BMBS programme. This is so that their clinical placements and their time at the University are successful and positive. I provide a safe, confidential, and non-judgemental place to discuss issues, concerns, and anxieties. Please come and speak to me. No issue is too trivial to discuss.

<strong>Dr Yusra Siddiqui</strong>

Dr Yusra Siddiqui

Department of Biosciences

I am a Lecturer in Biosciences specialising in prostate cancer biology and gene expression studies. Whether it's fostering a sense of belonging or advocating for curriculum diversity, I am passionate about my role as the Biosciences Academic Lead for Student Support (Racial, Equality and Inclusion). I would like to be a trusted confidante for students from diverse backgrounds, providing support and guidance with any concerns around racial inequalities or discrimination.

<strong>Dr Amad Al-Azzawi</strong>

Dr Amad Al-Azzawi

Department of Health and Community Sciences

I am excited about my role and how I can help you succeed and flourish. My role is providing you with a safe and accessible space to speak, discuss, and share your lived experiences related to equity and diversity during your learning journey with us. In the safe space I will listen to what you say, and respect your opinion, then I will do my best to be your voice. I believe working together will provide the platform to set up procedures and standards that help build an inclusive learning environment.

You can contact me through email and if you need, you can schedule a catch-up meeting with me through Academic mentor: Book a 1:1.

Dr Sarah Jackman

Department of Public Health and Sports Science

Senior Lecturer in Physiology and Nutrition

Shama Goyal

Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences (BMBS Programme, Cornwall Campuses)

Office hours: Monday to Thursday, 09:00 - 17:00

I have been working as a Consultant Paediatrician at the Royal Cornwall Hospital for the last 10 years. I am the senior academic tutor for student support for ethnic minority students in Cornwall. I provide a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space to discuss any issues you have experienced not just on placements but also outside if they are having an impact on you. I would support you in raising concerns through the appropriate channels.

Even if you are not sure and just want to talk it through, please feel free to approach me on email.

Frequently asked questions

Their role is to create a supporting, safe environment for students in their Departments to raise any issues related to their sense of belonging, concerns related to racism, racial discrimination or any other discrimination and to seek support promptly. Discrimination may include microaggression, harassment and bullying experienced on campus, outside campus, at placement sites or in accommodation.  

  • Students who experienced racism, racial discrimination or any other discriminatory behaviour or language from others affecting their well-being, sense of belonging or ability to study and would like to raise concern about such incidents and to seek support enabling them to take any appropriate action.
  • Students who witnessed others facing racism, racial discrimination or any other discriminatory behaviour or language from any staff, students or members of the public and would like to raise concerns about such incidents.
  • Academic/personal tutors/any staff who would like to raise concerns about their tutees/students who have experienced racism, racial discrimination or any other discriminatory behaviour or language from any staff, students or members of the public.

In the first instance please contact the ALSS (REI) by email. You may want to provide a brief overview of your experience in your email or just request a meeting to talk through their experience. The email address and other details for all Department ALSS (REI) are found in the profiles provided on this page. If there is no ALSS (REI) listed for your Department, please contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) team ( or Dr Vrinda Nayak (

The Department ALSS (REI) will provide a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space for you to raise any concerns about your experiences. The ALSS (REI) will listen to you and explain the options available to you in terms of support (e.g. counselling, wellbeing/welfare support) and/or reporting options (e.g. liaising with module leads or programme leads, or reporting through Exeter Speaks Out).

The ALSS (REI) will listen to you and explain the options available to you in terms of support (e.g. counselling, wellbeing/welfare support) and/or reporting options (e.g. liaising with module leads or programme leads, or reporting through Exeter Speaks Out).

Once the different options have been explained to you, the ALSS (REI) can talk through these with you to help you reach a decision about the next steps and provide information that you need. However, that decision is yours and any decision you make will be respected - including if you decide not to report or seek further support.

Yes, the ALSS (REI) in your department will support you in taking formal action by explaining the reporting options available to you and the process involved.

We appreciate you may be concerned about coming across as a “troublemaker”. We assure you that the main purpose of the Department ALSS (REI) is to create a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space to raise your concerns. They will listen to you attentively, support you to access further support and explain the different reporting options available to you if you wish.

Any specific information you provide will remain confidential, and will not be passed on to anyone else without your explicit permission.
In exceptional circumstances, if the ALSS (REI) considers there is an unacceptable risk to you, someone else or the University, they will let you know if they need to involve other colleagues. Should this happen, it will be done on a need-to-know basis.

We will use anonymised data to help us understand what kind of incidents are taking place in our community.