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The Hague 2024

Global Leaders - The Hague 2024

Global Leaders - The Hague 2024

2024 marks the 125th anniversary of the first Hague Peace Conference, a historic moment which dubbed The Hague as the international city of peace and justice’. Throughout the summer, The Hague will be hosting a programme of events to celebrate this landmark occasion and we are giving you the opportunity to join in with this Global Leaders Experience.  

Focused on the theme of climate justice, we are working with The Hague Municipality to spend 5 days in the city attending tours, visiting organisations and NGOs and taking part in micro-teaching sessions. Climate change and its effects on justice throughout the world is a topic gaining more traction and requires multidisciplinary research and input to create solutions to emerging real-world issues. Through activities during the week you will develop soft skills such as collaborative working, intercultural communication and problem solving.  

The Hague is home to iconic international buildings such as the Peace Palace and the International Court of Justice and hosts major organisations Europol, NATO Communications and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to name a few. In April 2024 The Hague created it’s own climate agreement, linking over 100 companies, organisations and community groups to work towards reducing CO2 emissions across the city. It is therefore excellently placed to start working on the complicated topic of climate justice while getting to know your fellow student group.  

You don’t need any experience to apply or take part, in fact we actively encourage those with none to apply! The Global Leaders Experience is an incredibly supportive first step into international travel and immersive learning.  

When will the programme take place? 

The Global Leaders Experience will take place from the 8th-12th July.  

We will be taking the Eurostar from London to The Hague on the 8th July, making the return journey back to London on the 12th July. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • An undergraduate student who meets one or more of the Widening Participation Criteria  


  • An undergraduate or postgraduate international student currently studying a business degree 

  • You can travel to and from the UK between the 8th-12th July 2024. 

  • Not currently on a placement year or study abroad. 

  • Have an up-to-date passport with more than 6 months validity from date of return.  

  • Have not exceeded the 90 out of 180 days rule for travel in Europe by the date of the programme. If you are unsure of this please use this calculator. 


The University of Exeter will be booking return travel from the UK departure point and accommodation on your behalf; the cost of which will be covered by the University. 

Managing Expectations 

  • The global travel sector remains impacted by well publicised strikes, cancellation and disruption so please be aware this could affect parts of the trip. 

  • Please be ready to follow any national or local guidance in relation to travel, such as passport validity for the Netherlands.  

  • If you are an international student, please check in advance visa requirements and costs essential for entry. Visa costs are not covered by the University. We will supply any travel documents required for your application.  

  • Students are expected to travel to and from the UK as part of a group for the trip. 

  • Students will be sharing accommodation which comprises of two students to a room. Please see our FAQs for further information. 

  • There will be a pre-departure session which you need to attend ahead of the trip. 

How do I apply?

Applications for this programme can be made HERE. 

Applications close at 9am on Monday 3rd June 2024.

Further information 

If you have any further questions, please feel free to email the team at