
To find out more and to book a date to conduct mock interviews, please contact the team at

Mock interviews

We have a limited number of mock interview dates available for the 2025/26 academic year. Please contact to discuss with the team. 

The opportunity to practice interview skills with an experienced interviewer can have an enormous impact on student career outcomes.

Conducting an interview and offering feedback provides valuable insight into the recruitment process and allows you access to students eager to succeed.

It can also help build your organisation’s brand on campus as all interviews are widely advertised through various media channels.

Please bear in mind that all physical bookings require robust risk assessments and protocols to be followed in order for them to go ahead. 

Please click on the headings below for more information. 

If you are a current student viewing this page, please visit Handshake to view available interview slots. 

Interviews take place throughout the academic year

Virtual mock interviews take place Monday-Friday in Microsoft Teams, our preferred platform. Alternatively, depending on availability, a room can be booked on campus for in-person interviewing.

Typically a day of mock interviews commences at 10:00 and concludes at 16:00, with a lunch break scheduled. 

An interviewer could expect to see 7 students in total during this timeframe. Interviewers can also opt for half days, where they would see between 3-4 students.

We allow 45 minutes per mock interview slot which consists of 20 minutes for the interview, 10 minutes feedback and a further 15 minutes to allow for overrun/comfort breaks.

The interviews are completely neutral and therefore students are not expected to have knowledge of the interviewer’s company or sector. As a result, questions posed should be competency-based and of the sort that could be asked at interview with any company, regardless of the sector the student may be interested in or that the interviewer works in.

Students are advised that questions may be drawn from the information provided in their CV. They should be encouraged to ask questions during the feedback period as well as expecting the interviewer to give useful tips.

Please note: Interviewers must be experienced in the recruitment and interviewing of staff.

We operate an online booking system which requires students to submit their CVs to secure an interview slot. The students' CVs are sent to the interviewer approximately a week before the interviews take place to allow for preparation.

Mock interviews are advertised via:

  • The Career Zone website
  • Our internal events site ‘Handshake’
  • Email circular, sent to all Streatham and St Luke’s based students (approximately 20,000)
  • Via our social media channels.
  • Where appropriate, the events will also be included in College-based marketing material.

A sign up list of those booked will be provided to you on the day, upon your arrival.

To secure your preferred date, benefit from all the publicity opportunities and get the best attendance, as well as to avoid clashes with other employers, we urge you to book a date with us as early as possible. Many employers secure their preferred dates when we first open for bookings (spring, for the upcoming autumn term and spring terms). 

We advise at least 6 weeks notice minimum between booking and the live event.  For events in October,  November and February, however, please contact us no later than 8 weeks before the start of the term.