Serena Broad, Conservation Biology and Ecology
'It gave me a chance to take a break from my academics while also benefiting the local community, and it made me feel more involved in the changing of the local community in Cornwall.'
Employer: Cornwall Science Community
Meets the three competency areas of the Entrecomp Framework.
Working in the Community
The University of Exeter campuses, both in Devon and Cornwall, have a marked impact on the economics and demographics of the regions they inhabit, and play a significant part in defining their respective regional identities. In acknowledgment of this relationship the University is in the process of establishing 3 Civic University Agreements with Exeter, Cornwall and Devon and Torbay.
The University's civic engagement mission statements can be found here and you will find that you will be able to search for opportunities in Handshake which align with these.
Gaining work experience or volunteering in the local area has many benefits for both you and the community. Here are some of the benefits that you may gain:
- Development of skills that could benefit you not only once you graduate and find a job but during your academic studies.
- Development of key skills and experiences which could support you when applying for future jobs such as creating CV’s, writing applications, interviewing etc.
- Gaining an understanding of workplace culture
- Help with future career decision making by understanding what sorts of work you like, and what sorts you don’t
- Give back to the community that you live in while you’re studying
- Meet new people and build your network to help support future job searches
- Build your awareness of industry and sector challenges
- Use your expertise and fresh insight to positively benefit the organisation
- Be part of solving real-life issues affecting the organisation and community
Opportunities to work in the community:
Find out about society volunteering opportunities here (Exeter) and here (Cornwall). Prospects also has further listings here.
A number of our Guild Societies will have an impact on the local community, from playing sport in a local league, to putting on performances for locals to attend. Find out more here.
Areas for growth in the region can be understood via The Heart of the South West (HotSW) and Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (CIOS) Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP).
If you are a local employer and would like to understand how we can support your business from a personnel perspective please contact us.