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Graduate Profile

A student standing with trees in the background

Giulia Luerti, Marine Vertebrate Ecology and Conservation (2022)

'Networking and contacting people whose research you are interested in is always very useful.'

Marine Bioacoustics Researcher, MORIGENOS – Slovenian Marine Mammal Society

ISE stat

Graduate Profile

Male student smiling

Christopher Wenham, Marine Biology (2021)

'Try as many things as possible, you will gain valuable contacts, knowledge, and insight to individuals’ careers.'

Marine Planning Reform Lead Advisor, Natural England

What can I do with a degree in Marine Sciences?

The below offers a selection of the destinations University of Exeter graduates from Marine Science have gone on to. The information below is not exhaustive, however it does highlight the range of job and further study options available to you after your studies.

If you would like to learn more about any of the jobs listed below you may wish to browse the job profiles on the Prospects website.


Careers with a degree in Marine Sciences

Recent Exeter Marine Sciences graduates have entered a wide range of careers. Some recent examples include:* (note most popular roles highlighted in bold)


Many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject, so don't restrict your thinking to the jobs listed above. Use Prospects A-Z database of occupational profiles to find out more about the above roles.

Other resources:

University of Exeter

UK resources

International resources

* Aggregated Data taken from aggregating the responses from full-time, first degree, UK domiciled students who completed Graduate outcomes from 2017/18 to 2021/22 Graduate Outcomes surveys

Employers of Exeter alumni with a degree in Marine Science

Recent Exeter Marine Sciences graduates have entered a wide range of careers. Some recent examples include (most popular careers in bold):*

Other resources

  • LinkedIn Exeter marine sciences alumni tool (you will need to be logged in to LinkedIn to access this functionality)
  • University of Exeter alumni profiles of graduates who studies marine sciences.

* Aggregated Data taken from aggregating the responses from full-time, first degree, UK domiciled students who completed Graduate outcomes from 2017/18 to 2021/22 Graduate Outcomes surveys.


An Exeter Marine Sciences degree will arm you with some great employability skills including:

Soft/Transferable Skills

  • Adaptability: being flexible and resilient to work in all kinds of environments, including fieldwork.
  • Communication: effectively and accurately conveying scientific findings to both technical and non-technical audiences, both orally and in writing.
  • Critical thinking: analysing data and information to draw informed conclusions from scientific, ethical, and philosophical perspectives.
  • Teamwork: collaborating with diverse individuals to achieve common goals in project groups and field trips.
  • Time management: efficiently self-managing tasks and deadlines.

Technical/Specialist Skills

  • Data analysis: using statistical tools and software to interpret and analyse marine data.
  • Fieldwork: collecting samples and data in marine environments in a responsible, safe, and ethical manner.
  • IT and computer skills: using spreadsheets (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets), statistical software (e.g., R, SPSS, MATLAB), word processing (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google Docs), presentation packages (e.g., Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides) to manage, process, analyse, and communicate data and findings, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (e.g. ArcGIS, QGIS), Remote sensing software (e.g. ENVI, Erdas Imagine), oceanographic modelling software (e.g. ROMS, MIKE21), molecular biology software (e.g. ClustalW, MEGA), marine database software (e.g. e.g. Ocean Data View), ecological modelling software (e.g. Ecopath), and image analysis software (e.g. ImageJ).
  • Laboratory techniques: performing laboratory experiments and analyses.
  • Research methods: designing and conducting scientific experiments and surveys.

Further Study

Around 24 % of Marine Sciences graduates go on to pursue further study within 15 months of completing their undergraduate degree. Some recent progression routes include:

  • Aquatic Conservation, Ecology and Restoration
  • MSc Marine Management
  • MRes - Animal Behaviour
  • MRes in Ecology and Evolution
  • MRes Ocean Science
  • MSc Animal Behaviour
  • MSC by Research in Biological Sciences
  • MSC Conservation and Biodiversity
  • MSc Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology
  • MSC Global Sustainability Solutions
  • MSc Marine Environmental Management
  • MSc Marine Vertebrate Ecology and Conservation
  • MSc Oceanography
  • MSc Surveying and Land/Environmental Management
  • PGCE Secondary Science /Biology
  • PhD Biosciences
  • PhD Ocean Sciences

Sample of some further study progression options at University of Exeter.

Useful resources