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This Week

This Week (term time only)

This Week (term time only)

LAST WEEK at the Catholic Chaplaincy

This Week (term time only)

Please note that this page is only updated during term time.

MONDAY 27th May  

Rosary, cake and Lectio Divina 7pm

TUESDAY 28th May

Mass 12pm

followed by free lunch

Rosary 7pm 


Adoration 5.30pm 

Angelus 6pm

THURSDAY 30th May 

Mass 5pm

FRIDAY 31st May

CathSoc Beach trip

SUNDAY 2nd June 

Mass 11.30am  

followed by BBQ 


Jubilee 2025 & Year of Preparation – There will be a Jubilee of the whole Church in 2025 and we are going to be spending the coming year preparing for such an event. The theme of the Jubilee is Pilgrims of Hope and is an occasion of joy and mercy. Events will be planned throughout the year, it is an occasion of grace and celebration. 

You can view the trailer for the Jubilee here:
There is also an App, available on all devices called Iubilaeum25, which contains latest news, the hymn for the Jubilee, and a calendar of events. The Holy Father has asked us to focus on two things: the Our Father, and the four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council (Dei Verbum, Lumen Gentium, Sacrosanctum Concilium and Gaudium et Spes). The Our Father as a means to focus our prayer, and the Constitutions as a means to renew the catechesis in the Church. Here is a link to the four Constitutions:
Nostra Aetate – Together with the above mentioned four Constitutions there are other important documents from the Second Vatican Council. In this respect, Fr Michael encourages you to read Nostra Aetate, which is the document looking at the Church's relations with non-Christian faiths. Here is the link:
Books on Science and Faith – Here are the books that Fr Michael recommends on the topic of science and faith:
1) Ian McGilchrist, The Master and His Emissary, Yale University Press       
2) Simon Conway Morris, Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely UniverseCambridge University Press                                          
3) Ian McGilchrist, The Master with Things, Yale University  Press           
4)John Lennox, God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?, Lion               
5) John Polkinghorne and Nicholas Beale, Questions of Truth: Fifty-one Responses to Questions about God, Science, and Belief, Westminster John Knox Press                                                                         
6) John PolkinghorneScience and Creation, SPCK                             
7) John Polkinghorne, Science and Providence, SPCK                           
8) John Polkinghorne, Reason and Reality: The Relationship Between Science and TheologySPCK                                                               
9) John Polkinghorne, Quarks, Chaos and ChristianitySPCK                   
10) John Polkinghorne, Science and Providence, SPCK
Fr Michael has stressed that this is just an entirely representative sample and he suggests that you look at the bibliography or Google online for further titles that might interest you or look online at the John Templeton Foundation website which awards annual prices to the best books written in the field of theology and science.
Chaplaincy Offertory – We no longer have a cash collection, but if you would like to make an offertory donation, we now have a contactless card machine which you will find on the right-hand side of the entrance to the Chapel in Sundays."Give back some of God's gifts to God, that you may safely enjoy the rest" (St. John Henry Cardinal Newman)   

Keeping in touch with the Chaplaincy - For further details about the Chaplaincy and our events please go to

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Mirtha Mangone is our Safeguarding Rep and can be contacted on