From the Lazenby Chaplain

12th September 2024
Call for Musicians

We're looking for musicians who'd like to provide musical accompaniment at our Sanctuary Service on Sunday evenings in the Mary Harris Memorial Chapel. We'd also like to hear from you if you're a worship leader, or you have an interest in becoming one.

Our Sanctuary Service at 7pm every Sunday, is a gentle, contemplative, non-eucharistic ecumenical service for students and staff.

In addition to accompanists, we’d love to find someone to lead worship for our small and friendly group. This includes choosing the songs in collaboration with our Chaplains.

If this sounds interesting, please contact Rev'd Hannah Alderson.

11th September 2024
Call for Readers

When our services resume, we'll need some of our lovely congregation to do some readings.

Readings are a crucial element of both Choral Evensong (Wednesdays at 5pm) and Choral Eucharist (Sundays at 5pm), but we promise it's not that scary! Readings will be sent to you in advance, so you can check out the passage before you commit to reading it, and you'll have a chance to get some practice in, or you can just show up on the day!

Whether you think you might like to read regularly, occasionally, or just the once, please contact Rev'd Hannah Alderson.

9th September 2024
Call for Altar Servers

As we approach the start of a new academic year, we'd love to invite both new and familiar faces to get involved in the life of the Mary Harris Chapel.

We're looking for volunteers to become altar servers to assist at our 5pm Sunday services of Holy Communion at the Mary Harris Memorial Chapel at Streatham Campus. You don't need to commit to every week; we'd also be pleased to hear from you if you're able to help only on the odd occasion.

Altar serving includes carrying the cross, candles or incense; and sometimes helping with setting up the altar for communion. No experience is needed, just an interest in altar serving as part of your worship – full training will be given.

If you'd like to know more, please contact Rev'd Hannah Alderson.