8th November 2022

"He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.' So that everyone he has made may know his work."

Job, chapter 37, verses 6-7a

Well, I don't know about you, but as I sit in the Chaplaincy room in the Forum library, my shoes squelching with rainwater, the work of God's hands is something I’m deeply aware of!

It's a reminder that God is present in all times and all seasons. From the warm summer sun to our autumnal dark evenings and thunderstorms. And God is there at the low points of our lives as well as the highs. The solemn Church seasons of Remembrance and Advent, as well as the joyful feasts of All Saints and Christmas.

We're coming to an important time in Chapel life as Remembrance and Christmas approach. Do take a look at our special services to find out a bit of what is going on, and feel welcome to come to anything you can.

16th September 2022
Freshers' Week

We've been reminded over the last week of the pace that life can sometimes seem to move. In the course of only a few days, we have had a new Prime Minister, the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and the reign of King Charles III has been proclaimed in towns and cities up and down the country. Perhaps we have in some way sensed the weight of history in these days.

If you are reading this on Friday (16th) morning, please know that you are welcome to come along to the Mary Harris Memorial Chapel for a service of commemoration for her Majesty at 2pm, with the opportunity to sing well known hymns and reflect to readings and anthems.

Of course, September always feels like a time of great change at the University and we look forward to welcoming our new students next week. All students are very welcome to our Chaplaincy events over the coming week — do check the Guild Freshers’ guide for details.

Our first Chapel service of term is Evensong on Wednesday 21st September. This term, alongside our more contemplative 7pm service each Sunday, we are holding a Sunday Choral Eucharist fortnightly at 12.30pm, and do hope you will come along to that. Our 12.30pm Choral Eucharist begins Sunday 25th September and continues fortnightly.

We look forward to seeing you soon!