News and Events Advent 2021
Lucem Sequimur – "We follow the light"
A reflection on the Michaelmas term
I can hardly believe we’re almost at the end of term already. I feel grateful to have had a more ‘normal’ sort of Michaelmas term this year, with lectures, societies and social activities taking place on our two campuses with sensible caution. It feels a world away from this time last year, and we hope and pray for a continued improving of the Covid situation, as well as remembering those who continue to be affected by the pandemic in all sorts of ways.
A real highlight for me this term has been the launch of our new Sunday evening services, which have been ecumenical and contemplative in nature. During the course of the term we have heard music and poetry, and we’ve had diverse talks on green issues, same-sex marriage, the housing crisis, music and liturgy, and the future of the Church. A big thank you to all our speakers, and our fantastic team who make these services happen. And if you haven’t yet experienced Sunday evening at the Mary Harris Memorial Chapel, do make a note in your diary to come along next term. We’re already working on an exciting programme of speakers.
My Gran used to sing “make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other’s gold”. Something like that anyway. And as exciting as it has been to experience the newness of the Sunday evening service, it’s wonderful to welcome back some old friends through more familiar activities. St Luke’s Soup Lunch on Mondays, Holy Communion on Tuesdays and Choral Evensong on Wednesdays have become key points in the Chapel diaries for people to meet together for worship and fellowship, and it’s a joy to be feeding people (spiritually with the sacrament, emotionally with music, and indeed physically with delicious homemade soup!) once again.
Looking ahead. The next 2/3 weeks are some of the most keenly anticipated in the Chapels’ diaries. It would be lovely to see you in Chapel over this period – whether it’s at a big Carol service or one of our smaller events. Term ends on 10th December and begins again on 10th Jan (which will have a limited programme due to exam week). Until we meet again, let me wish you a blessed Advent. From me, and all the team here at the Chapels.
Rev'd Hannah Alderson, Lazenby Chaplain

Advent at the University Chapels: What’s On
Advent Carols
Sunday 28th November at 7.15pm
Mary Harris Memorial Chapel, Streatham Campus
A service of readings, poems and Advent carols. No speaker this week (change to our published programme). The service starts 15 mins later than usual, but there will be tea/coffee if you arrive early.
St Luke's Carol Service
Wednesday 1st December at 6pm
St Luke's Chapel, St Luke's Campus
The first of the University Carol Services – come and enjoy a festive service of lessons and carols. The service will be followed by festive refreshments.
Christmas Service
Sunday 5th December at 7pm
Mary Harris Memorial Chapel, Streatham Campus
A ‘low-key’ service followed by a chance to gather round the piano and sing some of your favourite carols, accompanied by festive refreshments. (See Facebook Christmas Service event)
University Carol Services
Wednesday 8th December at 7pm
Thursday 9th December at 7pm
Mary Harris Memorial Chapel, Streatham Campus
Two services of lessons and carols in the Mary Harris Chapel – the same on both evenings – followed by festive refreshments.
Handel’s Messiah
Saturday 11th December at 7pm (doors open 6.30pm)
Mary Harris Memorial Chapel, Streatham Campus
Performed by the University of Exeter Chapel Choir with players from the Chapel Consort, conducted by Michael Graham.
Refreshments will be served during the interval.
Tickets £10. Buy tickets for Handel’s Messiah.
Prayer and Holy Communion
Tuesday 14th December at 12.30pm
Tuesday 21st December at 12:30pm
Mary Harris Memorial Chapel, Streatham Campus
Come for this short service of worship.
Please Note
All services will finish at the end of term (10th December) except for Prayer and Holy Communion on Tuesdays – the final service will be on Tuesday 21st December.