Sikh Events
Our Sikh Chapain, Sukhbir Singh, holds regular meetings for Sikh students and staff every Monday from 1.30pm to 2.30pm with prayer and refreshments. Contact to enquire.
Sikh Gurdwara in Exeter
There is Sikh Gurdwara in Exeter, open to Sikh students. The address is:
10 Clifton Street
EX1 2EJ.
It is open from 10am to 1pm on Sundays and also at Sikh festivals.
Join the Sikh mailing list
If you wish to be on a mailing list for Sikh meetings and events, please email our Sikh Chapain, Sukhbir Singh at
Also you can also find out about meetings and other multifaith events by:
- following the Multifaith Chaplaincy on Facebook
- following the Multifaith Chaplaincy on Instagram