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Baptist Chaplaincy response to Covid-19

Coping with Covid

In this 8-minute video, Baptist Chaplain, Revd Simon Taylor gives three tips for coping with the coronavirus epidemic's ongoing effects on our lives.

This video is particularly for students who have experienced many kinds of loss because of the virus and who are left feeling bereaved by its consequences.

Simon speaks about the importance of recognising how this makes us feel and of remaining in contact with others. He ends by thinking of where we can perhaps begin to look for hope in this situation.

British Pudding Club 2020

Learn how to make an easy traditional British pudding – a 'trifle' – in this 9-minute video with Baptist Chaplain, Revd Simon Taylor.

While making the trifile Simon also explains what the Multifaith Chaplaincy is about, how it can help students at Exeter and how to get in touch with the online multifaith student community (for people of all faiths and none).