Timetables: Credit-rated
Please note that in term 2, the modules start in the second class of week 1. There is only one class in week 1 and then 2 classes per week in each subsequent week of term.
All assessment is completed in term 2, so it is important for students to remain in Exeter until the end of term.
ELC2727B: Academic Listening and Speaking
Days and times: Mondays 15.35-17.25 and Thursdays 14.35-16.25
Dates: Thursday 16th January to Thursday 27th March
Room: Mondays Queens 1A and Thursdays Queens 1E
ELC2728B: Academic Reading and Writing
Days and times: Tuesdays 14.35-16.25 and Fridays 14.35-16.25
Dates: Friday 17th January to Friday 28th March
Rooms: Tuesdays Harrison 250 and Fridays Hatherly Pod 5
ELC2730: Professional English
Days and times: Monday 12.35-14.25 and Thursdays 12.35-14.25
Dates: Thursday 16th January to Thursday 27th March
Room: Harrison 250
ELC2731: World Englishes
Days and times: Tuesday 10.35-11.25 and Fridays 12.35-13.25
Dates: Friday 17th January to Friday 28th March
Room: Tuesdays XFI Conference room 2 and Fridays Harrison 250