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English Language Skills Development

Communicative and Cultural English

We run an extensive range of courses to help students to improve their oral confidence and fluency. Our Oral Communication Skills workshops focus on fun, daily life and making friends. If you look below these workshops, you will find Current Issues - which is an excellent way to improve your discussion skills and the way in which you articulate your critical thoughts. Both these courses are very popular and receive lots of positive feedback from attending students.

Oral Communication Skills 

A series of workshops aiming to help students to integrate into the social and cultural life of the university whilst improving their spoken English for everyday situations.  There are two separate, four-session courses; one repeated three times in the first half of the term [OCS1 – 3], and the other repeated 3 times in the second half of the term OCS4 – 6]. 

Choose the best time for you and sign up. Signing up for one session will automatically sign you up for all subsequent sessions in the time slot. You can join the sessions at any point during the series.

OCS1, 2, 3  Sign up below:

OCS1(Streatham) OCS2 (St Lukes) OCS3 (Streatham)

OCS4, 5, 6 Sign up below:

OCS4 (Streatham) OCS5 (St Lukes) OCS6 (Streatham)

Current Issues - Seminar Discussion

Eight independent discussion sessions giving participants the opportunity to express themselves on complex topics. This course is very useful for practicing and improving seminar discussion skills. A different topic of current importance in the world is chosen each week. 

There are two opportunities to attend in term 1. Sign up for the series of workshops at the time that is best for you. Signing up for one session will automatically sign you up for all subsequent sessions at that time. You can join the sessions at any point during the term. Both courses are taught in the INTO Building.

Sign up using the links below.

Current Issues CI1 (Group 1) Current Issues CI2 (Group 2)

4 workshops [repeated twice in the term] designed to extend strategies for clarity of expression by focusing on sound, stress and intonation in English. These workshops can improve communicative effectiveness, and also have an impact on listening comprehension and interpretation of meaning beyond that given by choice of vocabulary and grammatical structures. 

Sign up by clicking on the links below. Signing up for one workshop will automatically sign you up for all subsequent workshops. You may join the workshops at any point during the course.

Pronunciation workshops (PW1)

Pronunciation workshops (PW2)

The University of Exeter is a hugely diverse campus with staff and students from many different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. This brings with it a wealth of rich experience and opportunities for learning important skills for the future. Cultural competence and the ability to work in diverse teams is highly prized by employers. 

Our intercultural communication workshops aim to raise your awareness of the ways in which cultures differ and provide a forum for discussing practical strategies for increasing cultural competence and improving communicative skills. 

Workshop 1: Understanding cultural differences. Monday 7th October 2024, 10.00-12.00

In this workshop we will explore how cultures differ and the effect that this may have on how different people communicate. We will share and discuss examples and experiences and consider how we can communicate more effectively in an intercultural environment. You will have the opportunity to increase your self-awareness, develop a better understanding of different cultures and world views, and enhance your skills for communicating with people from diverse backgrounds. This session is relevant to all students at all levels and offers an opportunity to enhance your skills for working in diverse teams at university and in future employment

Sign up on Handshake here

Workshop 2: Effective communication in a multicultural environment. Monday 18th November 2024, 10.00-12.00

Group and team communication is often challenging, and when group members come from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, these challenges may be magnified. This workshop uses experiential learning to bring some of these potential challenges to light, and provides a collaborative space to build strategies for more effective communication in a multicultural environment.

This session is ideal for all students who wish to increase their awareness of the rich cultural diversity that characterises the University, and to develop practical knowledge and skills that they can carry into study and future employment.

Sign up on Handshake here

Learn appropriate English lexis and grammar for writing a more effective CV, cover letter or application form. We also provide sessions on oral fluency for interviews. 

Watch out for more details about the workshops on offer in term 1. 


This is a course on cultural and communicative English offered to the partners of international students and staff members who have come to Exeter but are not studying at the University. The focus is very much on communication, culture and how to get the most from your stay in Exeter. There are 9 weeks of classes with sessions being held twice each week. 

Course information
Class Time  10.35-12.25 
Dates  Tuesdays: 8th October - 3rd December Thursdays: 10th October – 5th December
Location  INTO Building Lecture Theatre
Tutor  Jo Hughes

If you would like to join the Family Class, please email