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English Language Skills Development

General Academic English

Masters and Undergraduate Academic Writing (MUAW) 

This is a series of 6 workshops in term 1 appropriate to both masters and undergraduate students across the university. The course covers academic literacy, essay writing, strategies for making use of sources and related study skills.

Masters Academic Writing (MAW) 

This is a series of 6 workshops in term 1 appropriate to masters students across the university. The course covers academic literacy, essay writing, strategies for making use of sources and related study skills.

Doctoral Academic Writing

These workshops cover academic literacy, essay writing and study skills as well as looking at higher level scholarly writing and expectations for completing a research degree. Please click on the links below to sign up - Signing up for ONE session will automatically sign you up for all subsequent events. If you know that you have a timetable clash, but would still like access to the resources, email

Students in Sciences may also like to attend Academic Writing for Science and can find out more here

Writing cafes and one-to-one assignment tutorials

Now that you have enjoyed the course, why not access some individualised advice by attending a writing cafe or booking a one-to-one assignment tutorial. Find out more here.

Reading Skills are fundamental to academic study. You are expected to read widely and to engage with your reading at a critical level, yet sometimes the lengthy, density and complexity of academic texts can make keeping up with your reading much like climbing a mountain.

We have devised three different workshops to provide practical guidance on how to read better and more efficiently.


During the first few weeks in a new enviroment, 'tuning our ears' into new accents and new formats for delivering information can make listening particularly challenging.

Our new academic listening course seeks to address these challenges. 

The sessions aim

  • To extend student ability at micro as well as macro level of listening.
  • To use a variety of different “soft” academic listening material as examples and to aid skills development.
  • To highlight the features of pronunciation that most impact upon successful listening.

There are two series of four sessions. Although they can be attended singly, we recommend attending all four for maximum benefit. Sign up by clicking on the links below - signing up for one session will automatically sign you up for all the subsequent sessions in each series.

Academic Listening Skills 1 Academic Listening Skills 2

Presentation Skills (PRES1 and PRES2) 

This is a series of 4 workshops in term 1 for students from across the university. The course focuses on how to give an effective academic presentation, with lots of useful advice, examples and opportunities for students to present. The course runs twice in term 1 covering the same content.

Presentration Skills 1 Presentation Skills 2