Student Complaints Procedure
We work hard to give our students the best experience possible but recognise that things don’t always go right. If you’re unhappy about something, you can complain.
Our Student Complaints policy and procedure is designed to be clear, fair, and effective. We also aim to consider anything that’s raised with us promptly, so you’re not waiting too long for the outcome.
It won’t impact your marks/grades if you raise something you’re genuinely concerned about, whatever the outcome of your complaint.
Student Complaints aims to:
- Resolve issues promptly and to the satisfaction of all parties whenever possible
- Make sure the University learns from complaints raised, to improve all aspects of the student experience
Academic Appeals
A complaint is different to an academic appeal. If you have concerns about your grades/marks or an academic decision relating to your progression on your programme of study, please follow the academic appeals process which will be detailed in the email with your results. If you’re not sure, get in touch with your Hub/Info Point who’ll be able to advise you.
The Complaints Process
Our complaints process has 3 stages, though you might not need them all:
Most complaints and concerns can be resolved informally at an early stage. Where that’s possible and appropriate, we encourage that approach.
If you feel able to, contact the person you wish to raise the concern with to discuss it with them. You can arrange a meeting, or put your complaint in writing. We recognise you may not feel comfortable doing this. If so, contact another member of staff in your department and raise your concerns with them. This could include your personal tutor or pastoral mentor. You may also consider contacting your Academic Lead for Student Support (Racial Equality and Inclusion).
You can read more details in our Student Complaints Procedure.
The Formal Stage is available if you’re still unhappy after going through an informal approach. The complaint is made in writing.
Before submitting a formal complaint please read our Student Complaints Procedure on our website. You can complete the Formal complaint form and send it to the relevant contact as detailed below. Your form should include details of whom you attempted to raise the matter informally, the outcome of this, and why you remain dissatisfied.
For complaints related to a non-academic service delivery please send the completed form to the service involved, the contact details for each service can be found on the relevant area of the website.
For complaints related to your academic programme, these are considered by the Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor (or their nominated representative) please send the completed form to:
- For students in the Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy -
- For students in the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences -
- For students in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences -
- For students based at our Penryn Campus -
- For Post Graduate Research students -
If you don’t feel that your complaint has been resolved at the formal stage, you can ask the University’s Student Cases team to review the complaint. Details of when this can happen are listed in our Student Complaints Procedure.
Once you’ve been through all of our stages, your complaint will be closed and you will receive a letter confirming this. If you’re still not happy with the outcome at this point, you can approach the Office of the Independent Adjudicator to ask they review your case. Information on how to do this will be provided within the letter closing your complaint at the Review stage.
If you have a complaint about another student or staff member, you can use the complaints procedure to raise this.
Where you have been affected by the behaviour of a student or staff member that could constitute a disciplinary offence, such as bullying, we can explore whether there is action needed to address that situation.
First, we'd need to hear from you what has happened, and from the person(s) whose conduct impacted you, as well as anyone else who may have witnessed what happened, to establish what action could be taken.
Raising a complaint of this nature is a very significant decision, and we absolutely understand that. We take your safety, and that of the wider community, very seriously and while we work through a case our priority is to ensure everyone is safe and that boundaries are in place, so anyone taking part in a case knows where they stand and what to expect.
Before making a complaint, please get in touch with the University Cases team or Wellbeing team to explore what may be involved and what steps we can take to support. You may also consider contacting your Academic Lead for Student Support (Racial Equality and Inclusion).
You can contact the University Cases team at
Please note – while we know it can be upsetting, student cases don’t deal with situations such as a flat mate who won’t do their dishes, or put the bins out. If you are in this situation, speak to our Wellbeing team and they’ll be able to support you.
You can read our full Student Complaints Procedure here.
Each complaint is treated confidentially. The only exception to this is in very rare cases where it’s believed there is a serious welfare concern, or a serious risk of physical harm/criminal activity.
Independent Advice
Devon: The Students’ Guild Advice service offers free, impartial advice for students based on our Devon campuses. Find out more on their website.
Cornwall: The Students’ Union Advice Service offers free, impartial advice for students based on our Cornwall campuses. Find out more on their website.
Supporting you
We know this process and the reasons that have led to it, can cause you to be upset or worried. Don’t forget you can reach out to our Wellbeing Services if you need support.
Find out how to get in touch on their website.
It may help to discuss it with a loved one or friend too. If you’re invited to a meeting during the process, you’ll be able to bring a friend or loved one to support you.
Unfortunately we can’t investigate anonymous complaints but you can report anonymously via our Exeter Speaks Out webpages.