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Appeal Outcomes

Glossary of common terms
FCT Faculty Cases Team APVCE

Associate Pro Vice Chancellor

UCT University Cases Team ADE

Associate Dean Education

SEP Senior Education Partner APAC 

Assessment, Progression and
Awarding Committee (also
known as an Exam Board)

DEP Deputy Education Partner

You will normally receive an acknowledgement of receipt for your appeal submission within a week; this will include details of the date by which you can expect to receive your outcome.

A formal response will be e-mailed to you within 30 calendar days of the Faculty Cases Team receiving your full Formal Appeal submission. This response will typically take the form of an Outcome Letter.

At very busy times of the year or in the case of a very complexappeal more time may be needed to process your appeal. If this is the case for your appeal, you will be notified by e-mail. Where possible we will clarify a new date by which you can expect to receive your outcome. 

Unfortunately, it is not normally possible for the team to providemore regular updates on the progress of an appeal whilst it is being processed as this detracts from the time needed to process outcomes.

Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to guarantee a response sooner than 30 calendar days. Some appeals require lengthy consideration, and it may not be possible to provide a fair and reasonable outcome as quickly as you might hope. However, the team does take steps to identify priority appeals, such as those where future assessments may be impacted by the decision being made.

We do appreciate the situation can be stressful for students, so we do our best to provide outcomes as soon as reasonably possible.

Students who have planned assessment re-sits should prepare for those and if necessary, sit their assessment as expected while an appeal is pending, as there is no way of knowing if an appeal outcome will void these submissions until the outcome has been agreed. 

The outcome to an appeal depends on the case and evidence supplied. In general terms, there are four types of outcome:

  • Upheld (successful)
  • partially upheld (partially successful – this may be where we are unable to offer the remedy you requested but can make an offer of some sort)
  • not upheld (unsuccessful)
  • or dismissed (typically this would be where, on the face of it, your appeal had no grounds for consideration or investigation).

Your outcome letter will give some details of the reason(s) for the decision as well as the overall decision.

In some instances where appeals are upheld or partially upheld there may be more than one option available to you. These will be outlined to you in the outcome letter and, if you are satisfied with the outcome, you will be asked to contact a particular team to confirm your choice of the options offered. You must ensure to do so within the timeframe outlined to you in the letter.