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Consideration of Appeals

Glossary of common terms
FCT Faculty Cases Team APVCE

Associate Pro Vice Chancellor

UCT University Cases Team ADE

Associate Dean Education

SEP Senior Education Partner APAC 

Assessment, Progression and
Awarding Committee (also
known as an Exam Board)

DEP Deputy Education Partner

It is your responsibility to provide any, and all, information which you feel is pertinent to your appeal. In some circumstances we may seek to clarify your evidence by cross referencing this with information held on file by other teams within the University, including the Wellbeing teams. We would only request information which was deemed relevant to the matters raised in your appeal, as per the General Data Protection Regulations.

If the evidence is already held by another team at the University (such as medical evidence you supplied with an earlier mitigation application), we may contact the relevant team to request a copy, but this can cause delays in our consideration of your appeal, so it is best if you provide such information with your appeal form if you can.

Appeal forms and evidence may be seen by senior Faculty staff such as the Senior Education Partner and Professional Services staff administering your case. Please be assured that Appeals and evidence are handled in strict confidence in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation requirements.

The Formal Stage appeal process is a paper-based exercise; the decisions of the APAC are notified to students in writing and the evidence required to support an appeal must be documented. Therefore, typically all consideration would be done without the need to meet with you or discuss your appeal with you directly. However, if it is causing you distress and you need to talk through your concerns with someone, there are Wellbeing teams who are happy to support you during this process.