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Review Stage Appeals

Glossary of common terms
FCT Faculty Cases Team APVCE

Associate Pro Vice Chancellor

UCT University Cases Team ADE

Associate Dean Education

SEP Senior Education Partner APAC 

Assessment, Progression and
Awarding Committee (also
known as an Exam Board)

DEP Deputy Education Partner

If you are not satisfied with the outcome to your Formal Appeal, you may submit an Appeal Review appeal against the Formal Appeal decision. If you believe you have grounds to request a review of the decision made at the Formal Stage, you should follow the procedures detailed in section 7 of the appeals procedure by sending your completed Appeal Review form and any other evidence or documentation to within 10 days of being notified of the outcome of your Formal Appeal.

Please note, in order to be equitable to all students the Faculty Cases Team do not reconsider appeals at the Formal Stage, this is only possible by taking your case to the review stage.