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Complaint Outcomes

Glossary of common terms
FCT Faculty Cases Team ADE Associate Dean Education
UCT University Cases Team APVCE

Associate Pro Vice
Chancellor Education

SEP Senior Education Partner
DEP Deputy Education Partner    

The outcome letter informs student of the outcome of their complaint. The complaint will be either:

  • Upheld (the investigator decides the complaint is justified)
  • Partially Upheld (the investigators decides part of the complaints are justified)
  • Not Upheld (the investigator decides the complaint is not justified)

The letter will provide details of how this decision was reached and will also provide remedies to the complaint if necessary.

You may submit a Complaint Review form to the University Cases Team. This should be done within 10 working days of receiving the Formal Complaint Outcome. You should be mindful of the timeframes involved and the grounds on which you can request a review. To ensure reviews are considered objectively they are handled by the University Student Cases team rather than members of the FCT who may have already been involved in your case. Therefore, if you have any questions about submitting a Complaint Review, you should contact