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Timing of Complaints

Glossary of common terms
FCT Faculty Cases Team ADE Associate Dean Education
UCT University Cases Team APVCE

Associate Pro Vice
Chancellor Education

SEP Senior Education Partner
DEP Deputy Education Partner    

The University is committed to resolving complaints quickly and efficiently to minimise the impact on students. Complaints should therefore be raised as soon as possible and within 30 calendar days of the issue arising. Complaints raised after this timeframe will usually not be considered unless the student can show good cause why the complaint was not raised in a timely way.

The University wishes to resolve complaints as quickly as possible and therefore has set out the following time frames at each stage of the process:

Informal Stage: Students should complain within 30 calendar days of the issue arising and should receive a response within 5 working days of meeting with/sending their complaint in writing to the member of staff most directly responsible for the area of work.

Formal Stage: Students should make a formal complaint within 10 working days of receiving their informal outcome and should receive a response within 30 calendar days of submitting the formal complaint.

Review Stage: Students should request a review within 10 working days of receiving their formal outcome and should receive a response within 60 calendar days of submitting the review.