What are the benefits of modularity?

Sunday Blake (Guild President 2020-21) speaks about her experience choosing modules outside of her discipline and why she recommends modularity. 

Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

My placement experience has been invaluable. It gave me access me to an industry I was keen to explore and connected me to people within the PR and marketing world. To be able to do this whilst continuing with my course was really great. Having positive reviews and connections on LinkedIn will also be useful for applications to future roles, especially given that a lot of longer placements/internships/graduate jobs ask for previous experience. 80 hours is more than a lot of competing applicants will have!
The theory side of the module has also been fantastic. Engaging in topics like discrimination in the workplace, the gig economy and developing technologies has provided a varied and interesting perspective on what kind of career I would like to have and what kind of values I will seek in an employer or company. The ‘Humanities in the Workplace’ module has allowed me to explore aspects of the working world that I otherwise would have never considered or come across. It is a fantastic module and opportunity that I would undoubtedly recommend!


Read about other students who have benefitted from choosing modules outside of their discipline on the Study Zone blog

Click on the modules below to find out more about them.

If you are interested in taking any of these modules please contact your course administrator to check that you are able to do so, as well as the relevant departments for more information.

N.B. The modules listed are based on data available at the time of issue and are subject to change. Many modules will have limited spaces so you are not guaranteed a place and departments may prioritise students from their own discipline.

Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:

Classics and Ancient History

Theology and Religion

Interested in learning a language as part of your degree?

In the Language Centre you can choose from a range of languages, including British Sign Language, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Russian and Spanish. Not only will you learn a language, but as Yumiko Moore, Associate Lecturer in Japanese explains, you will be introduced to another culture:

'With proficiency in'

Choosing a language module means you could gain 'with proficiency in...' or 'with advanced proficiency in...' on your degree certificate.

This involves successfully completing 60 credits in one language taken through the FLC, of which 30 credits must be at NQF Level 5 (Intermediate) or higher. You can choose to develop a language from scratch or develop an existing one.

For example, a Geography student who passes 30 credits at French Beginners and further 30 credits at French Intermediate One could have their degree title amended to BA (Hons) Geography with proficiency in French. If the 60 credits are all at NQF Level 6 (Advanced), then the words “with proficiency in advanced…” can be added.

British Sign language









Mandarin and Classical Chinese





Considering a career in teaching?

The Graduate School of Education 'Learning for Teaching' modules are intended for students who are considering a career in teaching.

Teaching is one of the most rewarding careers on which you can embark. Choosing a “learning for teaching” module will help you gain experience and insight into this challenging profession while studying for your undergraduate or Master’s degree.

To help you discover if teaching is right for you, or if you're just interested in developing your skills in this area, we have developed an accredited teaching experience module which is open to all second- and third-year undergraduates and master’s students, regardless of subject or discipline.

Level 2:

Level 3:

 "Picking this module supported my decision in choosing a Primary PGCE because it gave me the practice and experience I needed." - Connor (Exercise and Sports Science)

Art History and Visual Cultures

Modern Languages