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Mentor Induction, Training and Feedback

All school-based staff, academics and University Visiting Tutors (UVTs) working with the University of Exeter have an induction into the Exeter Model of ITE, mentoring roles and the taught curriculum. 

School-based mentors and UVTs also meet with subject/pathway leaders at termly Training, Development & Consultation sessions, as part of their Community of Practice, to update on operational issues, curriculum knowledge and pedagogy and to develop mentoring skills throughout the academic year. 

Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Resources

Ethnic and Cultural Diversity Leaflet

Responding to Islamophobia

Responding to Racism

Supporting Trainee teachers from all ethnic backgrounds

Video on EDI - working with your PGCE trainees in school, September 2021, by Ruth Flanagan 

Evaluation and Feedback

  • UVTs evaluate school-based mentor quality after each placement, with specific reference to the mentor standards, and after a visit if an issue has arisen. This informs placement selection and future training. Individual feedback and further support is provided where necessary.
  • Trainees evaluate school-based mentors and UVTs after each placement (coordinated by the ITE Programme Manager). Individual feedback and further support is provided where necessary.
  • Trainees feedback any strengths and areas of development of the PGCE course during the termly SSLC meetings where required actions are documented on the Student Voice Action Plan.
  • Trainees can contact their UVT, Personal Tutor, Subject Leader or PRM if an issue arises during their placement.
  • Schools evaluate university induction and this feedback enables the programme to be reviewed and improved on a twice yearly basis.
  • ITECs evaluate UVT support at the end of each year and/or by contacting the Partnership Relations Managers if an issue arises. Feedback, where issues are raised about UVTs, is managed by the PRMs on an individual basis (in partnership with academic colleagues as appropriate) and also through updated and improved UVT training sessions.
  • Sharing of good practice and areas requiring further development with relation to mentoring provision and trainee progress are discussed and fedback in Lead School (School Direct) and ITEC meetings.

UVT and ITEC evaluations are coordinated by exeterpartner. This data, and school-based-work data from the trainee evaluations, is analysed and an annual report on school based work provision is produced by the PRMs. This report is provided to schools and the ITE management group to enable review and improvement of provision; updates are published in the Mentor Zone.


All mentors attend an induction session.

Induction covers:

  • The Exeter Model including the IDP and Exeter Model training tools
  • Mentoring roles within the Exeter Model
  • An introduction to the ITE Curriculum specific to the route and subject
  • How we evaluate our programme 
  • Communities of Practice and the Mentor Zone
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity resources to support mentors and trainees

Induction PowerPoint (October 23)

Mentoring PowerPoint (from October 23 Induction)


Exeter Model Induction Recording

For mentors who were unable to attend face to face induction we provided an online option. This was recorded on 07/11/2023 and the recording is available here (55 minutes):

Exeter Model Induction


The associated PowerPoint is here:

Online Induction Nov 23 (PowerPoint)

Further training was held in Spring 24 and the PowerPoint for his is below:

Induction PowerPoint (March 24)


The links mentioned in the recording are all on the below Word document:

Exeter Model Induction Links

Any already trained mentors are also welcome to watch this recording as a refresher. 


The Exeter Model

An introduction to the Exeter Model of Initial Teacher Education 

A video introducing the Exeter Model of ITE for all new mentors. It explains the theoretical basis for ITE at Exeter and introduces the phased approach, the Exeter Model training tools and the rationale for the mentor roles within the model. (14 minutes)



Mentoring in the Exeter Model (Video)




Video presentation on Primary Curriculum, October 2022, by Ruth Flanagan


Video Presentation on the Secondary Curriculum - Dr Tom Ralph - 2022/ 2023

School Direct

Video presentation on SDD Curriculum, September 2022, by Dr Annabel Watson

This page contains documents and videos that explain how to use the IDP


Welcome to the IDP - Complete Guide to the IDP



General Introduction and using the system

Introduction to the IDP- tutors and mentors

A short video explaining how to navigate the IDP, including the Mentor Dashboard and the Trainee’s portfolio


Adding and Renaming Templates to the IDP

A video primarily for trainees but also very useful for tutors and mentors to understand how this works (10 mins)


Linking Evidence to the Profile Descriptors

A video primarily for trainees but also very useful for tutors and mentors to understand how this works


Learning Conversations

Weekly Development Meeting in the IDP

Video for trainees and mentors explaining how to use the Weekly Development Meeting template in the IDP and how to structure meetings


Weekly Development Meeting in the Developing Independence Phase/Focused Reflections

Guidance for trainees and mentors on the Weekly Development Meeting and Focused Reflections in the Developing Independence Phase


Reflective Conversation in the IDP

Video for trainees and mentors explaining how to use the Reflective Conversation template in the IDP and how to structure meetings



Anticipating Practice FRAP- School Direct Distance

Explains how to complete the AP FRAP for School Direct Distance trainees and their Lead Mentors. (University based trainees complete their AP FRAP with their tutors, school mentors are not involved)


Beginning Practice FRAP- School Direct Distance

Explains how School Direct Distance trainees and their Lead Mentor complete the BP FRAP. ITECs will sign this off


Beginning Practice FRAP- University based trainees

Explains how university based trainees and tutors complete BP FRAP. Lead Mentors also contribute by completing the BP Feedback Form within the FRAP


Consolidating Practice FRAP

Consolidating Practice FRAP Guidance for trainees, Lead Mentors and ITECs


Developing Independence FRAP

Developing Independence FRAP Guidance for trainees, Lead Mentors and ITECs


Final Summative Report

FSR Guidance for ITECs


PGCE to ECF Transition Document

PGCE to ECF Transition Document Guidance for trainees, Lead Mentors and ITECs

'A key recommendation in the 2015 Carter Review was for a set of national standards to be developed to help bring greater coherence and consistency to the school-based mentoring arrangements for trainee teachers. The Carter Review was clear that mentoring should have greater status and recognition, within schools and within the ITT system as a whole, and that the qualities of effective mentors should be better understood across the system' (DfE 2016).

School leaders should use these standards to establish a rigourous mentor selection process for recruiting to the roles of Lead and Reflective Mentors.

National Standards for School-Based ITT Mentors (2016)

National Standards for school-based ITT mentors (2016) - commissioned by the DfE in response to the Carter review of initial teacher training.

On the PGCE course at the University of Exeter, we strive to ensure that our Lead Mentors and mentor teams have a ‘deep knowledge of the training curriculum and its application in the teaching of specific subjects’ (DfE, 2021: 11). We undertake training at key times of the academic year. We begin by establishing a ’community of practice’ (Lave, 1991, Lave and Wenger, 1998) with induction training in the autumn term, followed by further training in the spring and summer terms. Our ‘community of practice’, surrounding teacher education, aims to socially learn from each other’s expertise as expert practitioners, educational researchers and academics to provide the best teacher education for our trainees.

Please refer to the Curriculum Blogs in the Curriculum section of this website for up to date information on the latest training opportunities, the taught curriculum and research updates.

Department for Education (2021) Government response to the initial teacher training (ITT) market review report. Government response to the initial teacher training (ITT) market review report (
Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: Learning, meaning, and identity.

‌A key recommendation of the Carter Review of Initial Teacher Training (2015) was for a set of non-statutory mentoring standards to be developed for school-based ITT mentors to bring greater coherence and consistency when mentoring trainee teachers. 

In 2016, these standards were developed with three main aims: 

1. To foster greater consistency in the practice of mentors by identifying the effective characteristics of mentoring, leading, in turn, to an improved and more coherent experience for trainees, so that they develop into effective teachers.  

2. To raise the profile of mentoring and provide a framework for the professional development of current and aspiring mentors. The contribution mentors make to their colleagues’ practice will help raise standards and in turn improve the quality of teaching across the profession, leading to improved outcomes for children. We hope that the standards will support the development of a sense of identity for ITT mentors and support the growth of ITT mentor networks.  

3. To contribute towards the building of a culture of coaching and mentoring in schools… National Standards for school-based initial teaching training (ITT) mentors (2016) 

All of our school-based mentors reflect on how their role/s and responsibilities link to these standards at the beginning of the year. Areas of strength and areas of development are noted in the IDP, discussed with ITECs and the outcomes then inform school-based professional development and the termly Community of Practice and Annual School Direct Review and Development training sessions delivered by the university. Mentors are encouraged to regularly review their evaluations on an ongoing basis.

Schools are encouraged to use the mentor standards to help in the rigorous mentor selection process and also to develop the skills and experience of aspiring mentors for succession planning, to ensure the steady supply of mentors and strengthen the quality of ITT within school placements. 

Alongside trainee evaluations of the course as a whole, trainees are asked for feedback about their school-based practice, linked to these standards, within in a focus group setting.  University Visiting Tutors (UVTs) also evaluate the school-based mentors against these standards following their quality assurance visit.  These outcomes, together with school feedback, are discussed in a partnership-wide forum during Initial Teacher Education Co-ordinator (ITEC) meetings and School Direct Lead School meetings.  

Actions for areas for development and improvement are identified in the annual improvement plan for the following year and these are shared with the Strategic Implementation and Planning Group (SIPG), comprising of Headteachers, ITECs and Academic and Partnership staff.

National Standards for School-Based ITT Mentors (2016)