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Wellbeing Services in Cornwall

Specific Learning Differences (SpLDs)

The Accessibility Team can offer you advice and support if you live with a Specific Learning Difference (SpLD), like dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and dyscalculia. This includes advising on reasonable adjustments and guidance on applying for Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA).

You may also be able to access 1:1 study skills support from a specialist tutor, assistive technology, and specific arrangements for exams and teaching.

Students in small teaching group

If you think you might have a Specific Learning Difference and you are not sure how or whether to get a diagnosis, the Inclusive Learning team can screen and advise you - email 

Get support for your SpLDs 

You can get support for your Specific Learning Difference(s) by filling out our online Individual Learning Plan (ILP) application form. After you have submitted it one of our Accessibility advisers will get in touch to discuss support including reasonable adjustments on your course. 

You will need to provide evidence of your diagnosis when requesting an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). This could be a diagnostic assessment report, medical report (e.g. by a speech or occupational therapist) or evidence of special exam arrangements at school. 

If you are unsure about what supporting evidence you should share or have any other questions, please email so we can help you. 

For SpLDs like dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and dyscalculia you will need to have a full diagnostic assessment before applying for  Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) support. This will need to be from a suitably qualified educational psychologist or specialist teacher assessor with an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC). You can check that someone has an APC on the SASC website. A school statement or evidence of exam arrangements will not be enough for DSA.  

You can find an assessor on the Patoss website (free registration required). Be sure to tick the box that says ‘Only show tutors who hold a Patoss APC’, because this is required if you wish to claim Disabled Students’ Allowance.  

Below is a list of independent assessors who are qualified to carry out university-level assessments for DSA and can meet you at our Cornwall Campuses. Please note none of them can assess for dyscalculia. 

SpLD assessors who can carry out diagnostic assessments (for dyslexia, dyspraxia and/or ADHD) in Cornwall

Name Phone Email

Chloe Harrison 

07854 815 620  

Debby Pollard  

07500 955 169  

Rachel Tomlinson 

07976 308 295  

Andrea Chamberlain 

07746 037 942   

Sheelagh Warner 

07429 425 771 

Sally Simmons
(remote assessments only) 

07983 714 033  

Chrissy Hyatt
(remote or in-person assessments)

07971 810 841

The local assessors in the table currently charge £375 for a standard assessment for dyslexia, dyspraxia and/or ADHD. On 1 June 2025 this will rise to £450. You will need to pay this in advance. Please contact them directly to check their availability and arrange an assessment. 

If you are in financial hardship, please visit our Financial Help page to find out whether you can get help with the cost via the ‘Success for All’ Fund.

When you receive your diagnostic assessment report, please email it to and book an appointment to see one of the Advisers. 

To get a medical assessment for an ADHD and/or an autism diagnosis, you will need to ask your GP for a referral. This is free but waiting times are generally several years long. A quicker route is to ask your GP to refer you to an alternative provider via the ‘NHS Right to Choose’ route. See the ‘Right to Choose Providers’ webpage to find out more about this option and the waiting times for different providers.  

Please note, if you are interested in accessing medication for ADHD, you will need a medical assessment. 

If you are unsure about whether to have an assessment or what type of assessment(s) you might need, please contact the Inclusive Learning team at for an informal screening chat, they can signpost you to support and guidance.

If you have a diagnosis for a Specific Learning Difference such as dyslexia, your Individual Learning Plan (ILP) may require your department to apply marking guidelines when marking your work. This means that the person marking your work will take into account areas of weakness caused by your Specific Learning Difference and not penalise you unduly. 
Read more about  Considerate Marking Guidelines.

The Study Zone has a wide range of online study resources. You can also book a 1:1 session in person here or on Teams here with an ASK Academic Skills tutor.

Further information