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Wellbeing Services in Cornwall

Meet Lorraine, Student Support Advisor

A picture of Lorraine

Lorraine is a Student Support Advisor in the Student Support Team. Find out what you can expect from one of her coaching sessions and how you can practice gratitude by appreciating even the smallest of accomplishments. 

As a Student Support Advisor, my role is to provide wellbeing coaching and counselling to students. I offer a safe, confidential space where students can explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours through a six-session solution-focused approach.  

My goal is to help students gain insight into their unique patterns and how they affect their mental health and wellbeing. Whether you're dealing with change, isolation, stress, anxiety, procrastination, depression, low self-esteem, or feeling stuck, I can guide you towards practical solutions, resilience, and healthier relationships. 

Before joining the Student Support Team, I worked as an NHS Social Prescribing Link Worker, assisting patients with a holistic approach to managing their health and wellbeing. My background is in education, where I supported students with special needs through outdoor activities like forest schools and farming projects, boosting their confidence and overall wellbeing.

When you work with me you can expect six 45-minute sessions in a safe, confidential and non-judgmental space. This can be online or face-to-face.  

The first session is a chance to meet each other to see how we feel about working together. We discuss what has led you to seek support, any patterns you are aware of and what you would like to do differently by the end of the sessions. If you are uncertain about what you need, the process of working together will help to clarify things. 

I will encourage you to respond to questions and when there are challenges, we will address them together. We will create a working agreement and regularly review it. 

I will listen to you and encourage you to talk honestly so that you experience how powerful and transformative coaching can be. I have seen clients become more confident, trust their intuition, and enjoy focusing on their emotional, physical, and spiritual health. 

In my spare time, I love being surrounded by nature – it's my happy place for relaxation and recharging. I'm a beekeeper and a multimedia artist, and you might spot me wandering around the Penryn campus walled garden or beach cleaning at Gylly, doing my bit for the environment.

To keep mentally fit and healthy, I practice self-care through activities like forest bathing, foraging, and creative projects. I believe in setting achievable goals and routines, such as prioritising sleep, staying connected with others, spending time in nature, eating healthy meals, and staying hydrated. 

I also think it’s important to focus on positivity and practising gratitude. You can practice gratitude by writing down what you're thankful for and appreciating your daily accomplishments, no matter how small. 

I understand that taking that initial step to ask for help can be challenging, especially if it's your first time or if previous experiences have been a barrier. My advice is to engage in self-reflection, talk to loved ones, and research available resources to alleviate any fears. See the details below to get in touch with the team. 

The best part of my job is witnessing those "lightbulb" moments when someone removes barriers, enhances their confidence, and decides to engage in support. Seeing students take that initial step towards improving their wellbeing is truly rewarding.

There are many ways to contact the student support team: