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Wellbeing Services in Cornwall

Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study Procedure (HWSS)

The HWSS procedure is a supportive procedure that allows us to help you in a more structured way if you start to experience health or wellbeing difficulties that are impacting on your study. You might be struggling to either meet academic learning outcomes and course competencies or to manage other aspects of university life, and if it is felt these difficulties are not likely to be resolved in a single meeting with support staff, we might suggest supporting you under HWSS.

Health and wellbeing are crucial ingredients to a successful and fulfilling student experience.

However, we recognise that a number of students have difficulties with health and wellbeing, which may impact on your ability to study, reach your potential and make the most of your time at Uni.

The HWSS procedure involves sitting down with you to discuss your concerns and difficulties, then look through available support options. The aim is to create a plan together which helps you to get on track with your study and Uni life.

Our aim is to ensure you are at the heart of your HWSS journey and we do all we can to minimise extra stress or anxiety.

The HWSS procedures aims are:

  • Ensure your best interests are considered as early as possible. This can include considering your health, wellbeing and/or any disability
  • You are supported to study and manage your health, wellbeing and current circumstances to the best of your ability, and wherever possible to complete your course
  • You are central and able to make informed decisions regarding the options available to you
  • Putting in place any reasonable adjustments within an Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
  • Staff from Faculties/Hubs/departments and central support services work together where appropriate, to ensure you experience a consistent and fair process

The HWSS procedure is for all our undergraduate and postgraduate students, whether you are full-time, part-time or online.

There are 3 levels to the HWSS procedure:

Level 1 is when there are concerns about your health/disability/wellbeing that may be affecting your ability to progress academically or engage in the University experience, and that may require ongoing action and review.

Level 2 is used when there are continued concerns that were not being resolved by Level 1 meetings, or where the concerns about your health and wellbeing are more significant and a higher level of support or response from the University is needed.

Level 3 is where there is serious concern about your health, disability, wellbeing, behaviour or safety, and/or your ability to cope at university. In most cases Level 3 would only be used when all options of support have been exhausted and when you have not engaged with recommendations at Level 2.

The HWSS procedure (Level 1 and 2) can be recommended by any member of staff who knows you. This can be Faculty support staff, academic staff, residence life team leaders, or Wellbeing Services staff.

The meetings themselves are organised by the Education Welfare Team, who decide whether the process is appropriate and/or helpful for you. We will usually inform you about the HWSS procedure before you are invited.

You will be invited to a meeting either by email, telephone, or during a face-to-face discussion. An email invitation will be sent which will explain what the meeting is and that it is a supportive procedure. The decision to hold a Level 3 meeting is made by the Head of Wellbeing and Welfare, or Head of Student Support (Penryn), or their nominee.

If you need a Level 2 or Level 3 meeting, you will be informed at least 2 working days before the meeting is due to be held. You are encouraged to prioritise attending but we understand there may be occasions where you have a prior commitment that cannot be changed e.g. a medical appointment. In these circumstances every effort will be made to offer an alternative date.

Level 1 meetings are fairly informal and we keep staff members to a minimum. The Education Welfare Advisor or Officer will attend, plus other relevant staff members with the your consent, such as your Academic Personal Tutor.

Attendance at a Level 2 meeting could include staff that have an academic or support role for you, as well as someone from Wellbeing Services or other support service.

Level 3 meetings will be Chaired by the Director of Faculty Operations for your Faculty. An invited doctor/medic may also attend these meetings, a practitioner from Wellbeing Services and a member of the Education Welfare Team.

All meetings are held in a quiet, private space.

If you do not attend the pre-arranged and agreed meeting, the meeting may continue in your absence and the notes will be sent to you.  

The meeting is likely to include:

  • Introductions of those people taking part and a summary of why it has been called
  • An opportunity for you to explain your situation and/or give an update on what has been happening to you. It isn’t necessary to share in-depth personal information but it can be helpful to share information about current health and the impact on your studies and life, so that this can be taken into account
  • Consideration of your individual learning plan (ILP) and discussion about any adjustments that might need to be added to it, or that due to learning outcomes are not deemed reasonable
  • Exploration of support options/networks available
  • Create a plan about how to move forward

A summary and agreed actions will be written up and a copy sent to you and any other participants, no more than 5 working days after the meeting. A future review meeting may be arranged at that point.

Our main aim is to support you so you can remain on your programme of study. However, occasionally where all options of support have been tried and you are not well enough to continue, we may recommend interruption from studies as the best support outcome.

You can choose whether to agree and interrupt your studies or carry on and try to pass your academic year.

There are very rare occasions where it is felt a student is too unwell and the only option is to require them to interrupt or withdraw. This can only be agreed by a panel of senior Wellbeing and Faculty staff at Level 3 of the HWSS procedure and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

We are committed to ensuring that the HWSS procedure is used sensitively, that you are fully involved and that all possible steps are taken to minimise stress and anxiety whilst making sure the right support is put in place.

You can read the full HWSS procedure here.