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Wellbeing Services in Devon

What to expect

We work to a stepped care model, which means that we support you with the least intensive, least invasive support measures possible. The steps below show how our service and links with external services can support you with various challenges to your daily life.

We all have difficult times where some additional support helps and it’s important to let someone know you are struggling. There are lots of great resources, that can help us develop strategies and skills to improve our mood and mental health - read more on our taking care of your wellbeing page.

Sometimes people appreciate a hand in knowing where to look: book an initial appointment with an advisor to find what is right for you.

Alongside our wellbeing resources and students' support groups, sometimes you might need brief professional guidance.

Low intensity talking support is recommended for people experiencing mild to moderate anxiety and depression.

This can be alongside other measures to help you in your situation, such as disability advice, or education support.

If you find yourself at this stage, you might talk to our advisors to see what support is available to you, or you might want to self-refer to local NHS talking therapy services.

You may be experiencing moderate to severe mental health difficulties.

Support at this stage can include referral to local NHS talking therapy services, and one-to-one support from our mental health advisors or counsellors. It could also include referral to local agencies who provide specific services including drug and alcohol support, eating disorder services and support for those who are seeking longer term interventions.

It’s important to talk to your doctor about any symptoms you have so they can advise you on what kind of help is best for you.

You can also talk to someone in our drop-ins or book an initial appointment if you want to find out about more wellbeing support available to you.

If you experience significant difficulties with your mental health, including episodes of crisis, significant distress or enduring mental health conditions, we aim to work closely with NHS services.

In these circumstances, we can support you to refer to specialist services including community mental health teams, eating disorder services, and crisis support.

In an emergency, if you are in crisis or in need of urgent support, we will help you to contact urgent support services and to access medical support if needed.