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Wellbeing Services in Devon

NHS Talkworks

We work closely with TALKWORKS, a free and confidential talking therapy service provided by Devon Partnership NHS Trust.

The TALKWORKS team offers support for mental health difficulties including depression and anxiety. They can share tools and techniques to improve your mental and physical wellbeing.

TALKWORKS offer one-to-one appointments either face to face or over the telephone. They also offer online CBT programmes and wellbeing workshops on various topics including mindfulness, improving sleep and, resilience and wellbeing.

How can TALKWORKS help?

TALKWORKS can help if:

  • you feel low or anxious;
  • the way you are feeling is affecting your daily life;
  • you feel overwhelmed by your thoughts and feelings;
  • you are struggling to cope.

You don’t need a referral from your doctor to access this support, but you do need to live in Devon for your assessment and be registered with a Devon doctor’s (GP) surgery. Most students register with the Student Health Centre on the Streatham campus or with a doctor close to where they live.

If you prefer to remain registered with your doctor in your home town, you can search for alternative NHS psychological therapies services.

Wherever you access support, remember that Wellbeing Services are here for you and specifically set up to help you as an Exeter student. You are welcome to access support from Wellbeing Services and TALKWORKS at the same time.

How to book an appointment

To find out more and request an appointment online please visit the TALKWORKS website.

Where will my appointment take place?

TALKWORKS appointments can be on the telephone or face to face​.

Face to face appointments take place at a variety of locations across Devon including on the Streatham Campus or at Compass House (which is opposite our St Luke’s campus).