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Wellbeing Services in Devon

Wellbeing and the Cost of Living

We are aware that the rising cost of living is on many people’s minds at the moment and that it may be a source of worry or stress for our student community.

A National Union of Students (NUS) survey from June 2022 found students are very concerned that their student finance will not be sufficient to support them while studying. In this survey, 90% of respondents stated that worrying about finances and the cost of living was having an impact on their mental health.

Wellbeing Services support students to study successfully and thrive at University despite the current financial uncertainty.

There is a range of support you can access, outlined below, but if you have any concerns you are welcome to book a Drop-In appointment to speak to one of our Wellbeing Practitioners in person, or online.

We understand that the impact of financial worry on mental health can be significant. We also hear from students that poor mental health can make managing money harder. This is a difficult cycle and breaking it might require some support. We have partnered with SilverCloud to enable students to access a CBT-based course dedicated to financial worry and its impact. You can access this course for free.

For more information on support available please book an appointment to see us. You can also keep up to date with updates on what cost of living support is available on our cost of living pages.

It is important to keep taking any medication you have been prescribed by your doctor.

  • Please book an appointment with the Students’ Guild Advice ServiceThey offer financial advice and support which may include supporting an application to the Success for All Fund to help pay for medical expenses.You may be able to get help paying for prescriptions through the National Health Service. The Guild Advice Service will be able to advise on this.
  • If you have a long-term health condition or disability, you may be eligible for Disabled Students’ Allowance to help pay for some of the costs associated with studying while managing your disability. You can also book a Quick Query appointment with a Disability Advisor to discuss DSA support. Quick Query appointments are available Monday to Friday during term-time from 13:00 to 15:00. Call 01392 723380 on the day you want your appointment - call as early in the day as you can to ensure you get an appointment.

There are many free activities available for students to engage in to reduce social isolation and help support the management of their mental health or wellbeing.

  • The group Free Moovement provide free, weekly exercise classes, walks and fitness groups throughout Exeter.
  • The Students’ Guild Give It a Go Programme offers free and low cost activities for students to get involved with. 
  • There are free outdoor gyms located in several parks across Exeter, including Belmont Park in the city centre.
  • Do make use of our beautiful campuses and city centre spaces (e.g. Exeter Quay) to get outside with friends.
  • There are various sources of support for students who are struggling with food poverty.

    • Exeter has several places that offer free or low-cost food. Click here for a full list. 
    • The Multifaith Chaplaincy offers a free Soup Lunch every Thursday during term-time on the First Floor of Staff House, St Luke's Campus from 12:30pm-2pm.
    • The Multifaith Chaplaincy Connections Café offers free tea/coffee/snacks in the Forum Library Entrance every Tuesday (2pm - 4pm).
    • The International Students Community Café offers free hot drinks and snacks. Every Thursday 10:30am in Devonshire House.

    If you are concerned about ongoing food poverty, please book an appointment with the Students’ Guild Advice Service.

We understand your financial situation may impact on your study or accessing elements of your course.

Please book an appointment with your Education Welfare Team to discuss your concerns. They will support you with signposting and next steps. 

There are many sources of support for students who are concerned about their finances.

 Internal Sources of Support

  • Firstly, please book an appointment with the Students’ Guild Advice Service – they offer support with Student Finance, access to the Success for All Fund, Housing/Rent advice, and budgeting advice.
  • You can read more about the University of Exeter’s Success for All Fund and start an application or read the FAQs.
  • If you have a disability or a long-term health condition, you may be eligible for Disabled Students’ Allowance to help cover the associated costs of studying with a disability.
  • Your Education Welfare Team can offer support where financial worry is impacting on your ability to study or to access elements of your course.
  • You can find more advice and support on our cost of living pages.

 External Sources of Support